Tips dan Trick English Skill Learning

Writing tips

This isn’t, in fact, my weakness. But this skill is difficult to self-study. You need to go to an English center where there are teachers who are willing to check your writing. Here are some suggestions I can think of, it maybe can’t help you out. But do your best, you will be fine.

1. Before writing an essay, you must know its basic structure. A book about essay writing might show you this.

2. Do Task 2 first, because it is worth more marks and is easier.
3. Don’t waste too much time on Task 1. Learn all the specific writing structure for each type of task 1. In the real test, you just have to apply that structure with new data and suitable verb tenses. Read sample essays and take note of the ones with good structure to have a wide range of academic structures for task 1. Some structures might be used in the task 2 as well.
4. You must complete both tasks. I don’t care how difficult the test is, I don’t care how little time you have got. You MUST complete your test at any cost. If you don’t, you will be penalized.
5. Again, practice writing. Do both 2 tasks in one hour. You can focus only on task 1 or task 2, but before the test, you should practice writing both tasks to get familiar with time limits.
6. Practice makes perfect. In writing, this statement is completely true. But it is better if there is someone to check your writing for you and so you can learn from your mistakes.
7. Writing requires wide academic vocabulary. You also have to buy a dictionary to work on and enrich your vocabulary.
8. Avoid all informal ways of writing. There are some rules of writing you should follow. For example: no abbreviations, no 1st and 2nd pronoun or possessive (I, you, me, my, your), except in conclusion where you have to state your opinion.
9. Each body paragraph has to include: the topic sentence, supporting sentences (2-3 sentences), development sentences (evidence: example, experience, data). In many languages (English included), there are many ways to develop a body paragraph, which results in a situation where that topic sentence is not the first sentence. But you are advised to put the topic sentence at the beginning of each body paragraph. Don’t be creative in this case.
That is all I can think of. I hope you will be lucky in your exam and what I wrote will help you in one way or another. But REMEMBER, to reach success, you MUST make an effort. You should have a clear motivation and a strong will to overcome difficulties. When I did practice tests, I was exhausted. But no success comes easily. Practice is the only way to gain success. Don’t just wait for a lucky break, it will never come if you don’t know how to grab it. And the final point I want to mention is:

Relax before the test!

Attempting to do one or two practice tests before the real test won’t help you increase your score. On the contrary, it will make you feel stressed and less confident.

I took IELTS 2 times:

The first time: no relaxing, I tried to do more practice tests right before the test day. As a result, I couldn’t concentrate on the test and the result is: L:5.5 ; R:7.0 (don’t mention about W and S here because it depends mostly on examiners).

The second time: 2 weeks after the first time, that means when I received the first result, I had to take the test the day after. But this time I felt relaxed since I knew I got 6.5 overall in the first test. And here is the second result: L:6.5 ; R:7.5

I believe in a short period of time (two weeks), I couldn’t improve that much. Moreover, the second test was considered to be more difficult. So what makes the difference is the relaxation. There are more examples I could mention to prove this point, but it would be wasting your time.
In brief, you must relax before any tests. Forget about them to relax, and believe in yourself.

A few Academic Reading tips

As I promised to one of my most loyal visitors (hi, Dave!), this post is about efficient ways to improve your reading skills.
The Academic Reading module is a little bit different from the General Training – instead of 4 or 5 it has only 3 passages (more difficult ones). Actually, the first passage is usually the easiest and then they become more and more difficult. With that said, here come the tips:

Tip #1 – Don’t read the whole passage. Train yourself to scan and notice only the important information. After you go over the text for the first time, you should know what each paragraph is about, what its main idea is. This way of “reading” saves you a lot of priceless time.

Tip #2 - Watch your time closely. Don’t divide the 60 minutes you have into 3 equal parts of 20 minutes. Why? Because the last passage is the hardest and you are going to need more than 20 minutes to crack it. So I suggest 15 – 20 – 25, but feel free to look for any other timing that works for you.

Tip #3 – Don’t forget to copy your answers to the Answer Sheet. You can write them in the question booklet as you read the passage, but you get your score based on what is written in the Answer Sheet.

Tip #4 – If you can’t find an answer to a certain question – mark it with a big fat ??? so you can easily see it later and move on to the next one, don’t get stuck. Later you can get back, find all the question marks and try answering those questions again if you have time left.

Tip #5 – Count the words in your answer. If the instructions say “answer in 3 words” – you need to answer in EXACTLY 3 WORDS, when even an “a” and a “the” count as a word!

Tip #6 – When you practice, read your passage, answer the questions, compare your answers to the Answer Sheet and pay special attention to the wrong answers. You need to understand WHY you made those mistakes and remember them, so you won’t make them again.

And finally, these few tips came from “Ace The IELTS” e-Book (and of course there are more other tips, techniques and strategies). So those of you who need step-by-step guidance, a clear study plan and want to be ready for IELTS in ONE MONTH – take a closer look at it here. Think a little about how great it is, buy it, study, get your target score and forget all about IELTS :)


Listening – a skill, not a gift!

Often Listening can be your biggest problem. I know it because almost all my IELTS-taking friends had trouble there. Your Listening ability in many cases is not developed enough. But the good news is that Listening is a skill, not a gift, which means anyone can learn how to listen and understand (almost :) ) every word. My friends and I came up with this technique that worked for us.

What usually happens:
You listen and hear a “Blablablablabla”, which you can’t to break into words, and for that reason it makes no sense to you. There is a big difference between seeing a word printed on paper when you read and hearing it. If you saw a word, it doesn’t mean you will recognize it when you hear it. Every word you have read, you need to hear at least once.

What can be done about it:

You need to teach yourself the words
How do you do it:
When training, take a recording of the news, a lecture, a television program, a movie or an actual IELTS Listening test and work with it.

Listening Tip # 1 – use a transcript.

Use an IELTS Listening test – just choose from all the links in the right sidebar. You need a test that has a transcript, so I suggest Listening test # 1 (be patient, their site is slow).
First try just listening, to get used to the accent. Then start working with a recording and a transcript: go over the recording, stop it after every sentence and use the transcript to make sure you understand every word.

Listening Tip # 2 – repeat phrases

You can use any recording. First, listen, remember what you heard and stop the recording after each phrase. Even if you didn’t understand the phrase, play it in your head a couple of times, like a broken record “Tonight we have a special guest”, “Tonight we have a special guest”, “Tonight we have a special guest”.
Then say it out loud. If you understood that phrase at first, this exercise will improve your pronunciation. If you didn’t understand the phrase for the first time, this repetition will give you more time to hear it better, break it into words and make sense out of them. And if it is still difficult, you can always rewind and hear the phrase again.

IELTS speaking: what else to expect

In the Reading or Listening sections it is quite easy to predict what will be your IELTS score. You do some tests at home, count how many questions you answered correctly, do the math – for example 34 out of 40 equals approximately Band 7.
But how do you measure yourself when it comes to the Speaking test – that’s the question!
And here comes answer: using the same criteria your examiner is going to use. I was looking for that information and found it in the IELTS official site (of all places :) )
So basically this is what they say:

You belong to a Band 5 level if you

  • Keep sentences coming slowly (without pauses), repeat words and correct yourself.
  • Can use simple sentences easily, but the complex ones are difficult for you and it shows (you stop, get confused or start to repeat yourself).
  • Cannot say the same thing in a different way (rephrase) or use a synonym for a word.
  • Use grammatically correct simple sentences most of the time. It is rare that you use more complex sentences and when you do – you make grammatical errors or it is difficult to understand what you’re saying.

  • You belong to a Band 6 level if you

  • Can speak for some time keeping the right speed (like in your first language), with little difficulties when you repeat words, correct yourself or get lost in words and stop making sense.
  • Use some connective words, even if they are not always appropriate.
  • Can discuss topics (familiar or not) for a long time, using wide vocabulary and making yourself clear.
  • Successfully rephrase and use synonyms.
  • Mix simple and complex sentences when you speak, but the in complex ones you make lots of mistakes. Those mistakes are mostly grammatical and the examiner can still understand you.

  • You belong to a Band 7 level if you

  • Have no problem speaking for some time keeping the right speed (like in your first language), your speech is smooth and easy to understand, it is rare that you pause and look for a word to say, repeat or correct yourself.
  • Can discuss any topic using a lot of smart words, and you use English expressions correctly.
  • Use complex sentences without many grammatical errors. There are many more correct sentences in your speech than incorrect.
  • I gave you here the descriptions of Bands 5,6 and 7 because these are the IELTS bands most people want to know about, but you can see the full description of all bands here.
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    7 Tips For Recognizing People Who Is Lying

    Body movements of people who are being lied to by the experts mengiyaratkan discomfort than people who tell the truth. There are some indications that might give a clue if someone is lying or not. Here are 7 Tips Identifying People Who Are Lying, namely:

    1. Touching the Face
    It is most common when someone is lying is by touching their faces. Mainly two parts, namely the eyes and nose. When someone speaks to rub his eyes. Believe me he wanted to avoid eye contact with you. And 100% assured that he is lying. Unless the room was full of dust, it could be the man's eyes are intruding dust.

    2. Responding to Changes in voice and overly cautious
    The characteristics of the liar can hear his voice, if it is rising, meaning that a lie is diceritakan.Selain see also his voice is strained and long pauses between sentences. That is definitely a liar deh things other than the above because they also held out taut ngulur time to put together a rational answer. Sehigga always answer questions with caution.

    3. Scratching
    The easiest way to detect lies is through hand gestures. Most liars do not much move their hands when they perform the action. But there is one that often they do is scratch. Usually five times each after another they rake-scratching her body.

    4. Leg Movement
    Pay attention! when someone who is standing, take a look at their feet knocked to the ground halted. Surely they're a liar. When the Liar was sitting, then he is likely to swinging their legs.

    5. Forced Smile
    If your friend grinned then it is a fake smile and show a lie. Because an actual smile when a smile spread across his face and eyes mengeriputkan. Usually the things above are used by the testers job interview whether a job applicant is lying or being honest. Or you can use it to dismantle fraudulently fake psychics.

    6. Intonation
    A person who normally would often lie raised his voice when he was telling lies. Can also detect whether someone is lying through body language, although not entirely true. Usually, people who lie to protect her because they do not want other people to know things on his mind.

    7. Utterance
    Studies show people who lied to change the way they talk and the choice of their words. The liars are usually using words that are difficult to understand. They rarely use first person pronouns and more use of third-person pronoun. A study in 2003 by researchers at the University of Texas concluded that in addition to reducing the sentence first person (I, I), they also use words that negative effect.
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    7 This Type Of neighbor Houses Should You Beware

    So the story in this bright new year you decide to buy a house. It's just a story you know, MBDC also know you have not been able to. Wrote so wished. Well, so the story you want to buy a house hold of course you chose a house in a complex that is suitable for building a harmonious small families dong. You select an existing small house yard, good ventilation, there are 3 rooms ... everything was perfect. But wait! You forgot a very important thing! Have you noticed your neighbors? For verily, when choosing a home, there are several types of neighbors that you should watch out! Here are 7 types Neighbors House Should You Be aware, that:

    1. Neighbors Have Harley Davidson
    You know Harley Davidson then? Big motor that symbolizes a person's wealth? Well, but do you know if it is a Harley Davidson motorcycle tremendous noise? Yes, the sound of a Harley Davidson so hard and it certainly will disturb the peace of your household. Aja imagine if another day off, you're more at ease and want to sleep late, kept all of a sudden Uncle's house for the next turn on Harleynya manasin machine. Kesel not? Surely kesel.

    2. Many neighbors Maintain Bird
    Harley Davidson is the same difference just depends on who has a noisy, the bird was already basically wrote noisy. I think they've essentially to sing, especially if fed like Kroto. So if you have a neighbor who melihara many birds, get ready every morning dapet wrote chirp mass of the birds. If you like the sound of birds does not daddy yes, but if you hate a bird ... It's straight so want to eat fried bird.

    3. Like neighbors Events Make at Home
    Neighbor who likes to make the show in this house you need to be aware of the various sectors. In addition because he will make a tumult in the quieter you are, chances are he would also interfere with your private area home. Where guests will park in front of the house if not you? Is a very annoying if you want to leave the house or want to get into the house but must be blocked, because there are people who park in front of your house exactly. The question is, how do you know if your neighbor that likes to make the show at home? Usually if the house he was big and distinguishing themselves, and have a yard large enough, can be suspected that he likes to make the show at home.

    4. Like neighbors Naked in Front of Home
    But your neighbor boys and body fat Buluan. Males wrote it again you want to enjoy the fresh morning air, keep the first thing you see the neighbor who likes you naked in front of the house. Why be nude? Why is not naked at home dalem aja?

    5. Neighbors Close to the Other World
    Imagine every night you hear strange noises from the house next to you. Continue on some nights, sometimes you see there is a fly in front of your window. Sometimes you're half-awake and hold the middle of the night, continue Seeing that again there is a large figure ngeliatin you. Investigate a neighbor turned out to investigate ... you are a ghost hunter. And sometimes like a ghost who fled to the house of his neighbors. A little bit lazy so ya?

    6. Her neighbor Learn More Music
    Longer willing to learn to play piano or drums, whose name is just learning the music that would be really disturbing. Imagine you have a song the same denger many times throughout the day or should denger the children who can not hit the drum ngedrum attempted many times. Good-bye nap.

    7. Apparently neighbors Terrorists
    During this time you think your neighbor is the person quiet. He does not socialize and not ever say hello to you. You think he's just antisocial ajah. But then, one day suddenly you compound raided by Detachment 88 and a shootout in situ and ends with the explosion of a bomb! It turns out that your neighbor has long been targeted by Detachment 88 because he was the mastermind behind the bombing somewhere. Ih very scary! How to do is keep your neighbors know if you're a terrorist or not? Ya can not anyway. Thank fate wrote. Well, that's it. All you have to remember that having good neighbors is just as important as having a good home. So do not choose neighbors from ya. Select your neighbors with great accuracy!
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    7 Signs Women Who Are Pregnant

    Women are usually just beginning to think she was pregnant or not after her periods late 1-2 weeks. Though there are few signs that any indication that she was pregnant. For people who are irregular menstrual schedule would be difficult to realize whether or not she was pregnant and would not be noticed after the pregnancy test results showed a positive sign. But in addition to schedule a late menstrual period there are some other signs that indicated if a woman is pregnant, as quoted from Babycenter. Here are 7 Signs Women Who Are Pregnant, namely:

    1. Breast Swelling and Squishy
    One sign of pregnancy is a sensitive and less breast pain due to increased hormone levels. The pain experienced is usually more painful than when menstruating. This discomfort will be reduced significantly after the first trimester because the body can adjust to hormonal changes.

    2. Quick Feeling Tired
    People who get pregnant in the first trimester often feel tired all of a sudden, probably caused by rising levels of the hormone progesterone rapidly. But pregnant women will feel more energetic after reaching the second trimester.

    3. There is little bleeding
    Some women experience some vaginal bleeding in approximately 11-12 days after intercourse. The bleeding is caused by the fertilized egg into the uterine lining. Bleeding that occurs very mild such as appear as spots of blood, only patches of pink or reddish brown stain.

    4. Experiencing Nausea and Vomiting
    Women who experience nausea and vomiting in the morning usually experienced after a month of marital relationship. But for women who are pregnant nausea and vomiting is not only happening in the morning but also a problem in the afternoon and evening.

    5. Increased Sensitivity Against The smells
    Sometimes pregnant women feel disgusted by certain smells such as coffee, perfume or the smell of food that were previously very loved by women. This reaction can trigger a gag reflex.

    6. Flatulence
    Hormonal changes that occur during early pregnancy can make a person feel bloated stomach, much like when the woman before her menstrual period to come.

    7. Frequent Urination
    Pregnant women often urinate all the time, because the amount of blood and fluid during pregnancy increases so will result in the existence of extra fluid being processed by the kidneys and bladder.
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    7 Steps To Improve Authority

    When hearing the word "dignified", what's on your mind? Words that will inevitably have a professional, hardworking, intelligent, admired, and at the top position. The word "authoritative" usually refers to someone important, that all actions and his words are considered important in the office. But real people do not always have to be considered authoritative boss. You are still classified as regular employees can increase prestige by following these 7 things. Here are 7 Steps to Improve Wibawa, namely:

    1. Professional dress
    Although attached to the term "Do not judge someone just from outward appearances alone," in the professional world this term does not apply. Appearances count in the assessment. There are several levels of expectations when one sees the appearance of others in the workplace. We certainly have high expectations of the appearance of an executive. Dress like an executive if you want to be perceived like them.

    2. Choose the Best Hair Order
    Frances Cole Jones, author of The Wow Factor: The 33 Things You Must (and Must Not) Do to Guarantee Your Edge in Today's Business World, suggested that the clean face of the hair. "The hair covers the face will always make you look younger and less influential," said Jones. For women, hair cuts bangs should be avoided because it will make your face a childish and immature. While men are advised not to lengthen the hair and set it neatly.

    3. The Meeting noted
    "Keep track of all important content in a meeting is the fastest way to create friendships with the senior staff," notes Jones. "It helps them feel relaxed when meeting because you physically see the notes and (possibly) understand the key points raised."

    4. Not Speaking recklessly
    One executive talked with effective, targeted, and not long-winded. Keep in mind, too much talking, bebelit-hogging, and talkative is a disease in which communication should be avoided.

    5. Do not Be Object Taunts At the Office
    It's hard to deny, in one environment there must be a material object of mockery and joke. But keep in mind, an object of derision would have been someone who valued his friends had many weaknesses, less authoritative, and not respected.

    6. Do not Disclose Personal Problems
    Is credit card payment is due? Recently broke up with boyfriend? Trouble with friends? Do not take these problems in the chat at the office.

    7. Bedrooms Not Work Space
    How busy your job, how long the duration of your work, always keep your desk or workspace so that is always neat. Desk and cluttered workspace reflects the personality of lazy, relaxed, and not professional.
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    7 The Nature Of Exemplary Ants

    1. Care
    Caring and sensitive to everything that happens in the environment and always maintain a sense of love of neighbor.

    2. Positive and Enthusiastic
    Always enthusiastic in thinking and acting for the sake of trying to achieve. But all the thinking and positive action in order to maintain business continuity.

    3. Initiatives
    Has the initiative in running the business based on strong motivation to move forward and achieve the goal without waiting for the command, and without deviating from company policy or the state.

    4. Humble
    Trying to always be optimistic in every step, but not arrogant and always appreciate and respect others.

    5. Creative and innovative
    Always creative in trying to perform a variety of innovations in order to win the competition and become a leader in its environment.

    6. Discipline and Responsible
    Have a great sense of responsibility towards the survival of business activity. To that end, high discipline required in running all the rules / regulations in order to achieve the goal.

    7. Cooperation
    Able to establish cooperation in partnership with all parties in performing their duties in order to successfully achieve the goal.
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    7 The nature of the Most Favored All People

    1. Sincerity
    Sincerity is ranked first as the nature of the most liked by everyone. Sincerity makes others feel safe and appreciated for sure will not be fooled or deceived. People who are sincere are always tells the truth, do not like making it up, pretend, make excuses or distort facts. The principle is "Yes on the Yes and No on the No". Sure it would be ideal if the gentle sincerity that pigeons matched by the ingenuity of a serpent. That way, the sincerity of innocence can not be self-defeating.

    2. Humility
    In contrast to low self-esteem which is a weakness, it reveals the power of humility attention. Only those strong souls who can be humble. He was like growing rice contains more down. People who are humble can recognize and appreciate the excellence of others. He can make people feel okay on it and make people who do not feel insecure underneath.

    3. Loyalty
    Loyalty has become scarce & very high price. People who are loyal always to be trusted and relied upon. He always kept his word, had a strong commitment, willing to sacrifice and do not like treason.

    4. Positive Thinking
    People who are positive (positive thinking) always try to see things from a positive lens, even in a bad situation though. She prefers to talk about the good than evil of others, would rather talk about hope rather than despair, rather than the frustrating search for solutions, rather praise than criticize, and so on.

    5. Cheerfulness
    Because not everyone is blessed with cheerful temperament, then it should not be construed fun facial expressions and body, but the attitude of the heart. Cheerful person is one who can enjoy life, do not like complaining and always trying to achieve happiness. He could laugh at the situation, other people, also himself. He's got the potential to entertain and encourage others.

    6. Responsible

    The responsible person will carry out its obligations seriously. If you make a mistake, he dared to admit it. When experiencing a failure, he would not seek a scapegoat to blame. Even if he was disappointed and hurt, he would not blame anyone. He realizes that he alone is responsible for any experienced and felt.

    7. Confidence
    Self-esteem enables one to receive him as such, respect themselves and respect others. People who believe themselves easily adapt to new environments and situations. He knows what to do and doing it well.
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