7 Facts About Snoring

Are you one of those people who likes to snore? or you have a spouse or family who likes to snore? Here are 7 Facts About Snoring, namely:

1. One in five of the world population snore.
True. It is estimated that more than one billion people around the world snore during sleep due to various reasons.

2. Men and women are as much a snore.
Wrong. More men snore than women, the ratio is 80% male and 20% of women. The reason is related to the distribution of overweight in men that accumulate in the chest and neck, causing narrowing of the airways. Excess weight gain in women generally accumulate on the hips. Men also have larger necks than women. Neck circumference of 40 cm or more tends to make people snore.

3. Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis) causing children snore.
True. One characteristic of children affected by inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis) is a snoring sleep time.

4. Sleeping position had no effect on snoring.
Wrong. Sleep on your back more support for snoring than sleep on.

5. Excess weight causes snoring.
True. Being overweight is very common among snorers. This is because the fat that forms around the throat can constrict airways. In addition, the fat in the abdomen can cause the diaphragm to function irregularly.

6. Sleeping pills and sedatives to reduce snoring.
Wrong. These drugs cause muscle relaxation and increase the chances of snoring.

7. At age 50, women who snore as much as men.
True. Due to the aging process, women lose muscle and fat in the throat area. Tongue, larynx, and other networks nearby can also shrink slightly. These changes can reduce the size of the airway and increase the risk of snoring. Only 5% of women who snore in their thirties, but at the age of 50 years the number could reach 40%. At this age, the number of women who snore as much as men.

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