7 Things That Could Make Baby Smile

Some babies are already basically very friendly and happy smile. However, others need a bit of "temptation" to make her smile. Here are 7 Things That Can Make a Baby Smile, namely:

1. Hide and seek
This is the most preferred action baby. Use a favorite blanket to hide your face, then Startle him with sudden, or just use your hands. Mild shock will make her smile if not laugh out loud.

2. Blow Stomach
Babies are very like the touch. Wind blowing with your mouth stick will cause the sounds and feel tingling in his skin. Do it at the abdomen, hands, or feet. Soon, he will try to follow the sounds you make with his own mouth.

3. Eating pretended her fingers and toes
Babies love when parents pretend to suck his fingers, even children aged 2 years also like to be treated like this.

4. Create Bubbles
Babies are very interested in interesting shapes floating bubbles. If you see a class of little babies are blown balloons, you'll see the babies will try to reach the bubble and hold it. Make sure the inflatable bubble material that is safe for your baby. Usually inflatable bubble can be played with the children who are old enough.

5. Families Together
The baby will feel more happy when he can see other family members. Whether it's his brother, father, grandfather, or grandmother, but make sure not too crowded. The sound is too busy to make her feel uncomfortable or too noisy.

6. Movement Fooling around
Babies love attention and playing in front of your face no matter how embarrassing, she will smile and laugh. Even a sneeze in front of him could make him laugh, amused. No wonder many parents play a silly and funny faces in front of his son.

7. Character Favorites
Kids love toys, fluffy, light-colored, and can be funny noises. No wonder Elmo doll that can issue sounds sold on the market. Puppets of favorite characters will make your baby smile.

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