7 Things That Will Happen In The Year 3000 AD

1. Decreased Human Age 5 Years

The more we often eat instant foods, and use of chemicals, the shorter our age, just look at the ancient people could live 100 centuries!, But it is likely that age the average man dies at age 40.

2. Up 4 meters altitude Sea

Global sea levels will rise at least 13 feet, or the equivalent of 3.96 meters, in 1000 years. Conclusions obtained after a number of experts examined a number of things. From the trend of sea level rise until the ice sheet in Antarctica. Experts says that sea level rise is caused by emissions of carbon dioxide continuously pumped into the atmosphere. Emissions that's what caused the collapse of the ice in West Antarctica, which is expected to occur around the year 3000. If that happens, then the volume of sea water rise, and might just be a disaster.In fact, "Antarctic ice sheet is likely to collapse more quickly. And the effect of inertia (humidity) climate change will actually be much worse," said Professor Shawn Marshall, lead researcher from the University of Calgary in Canada, was quoted by the Daily Mail VIVAnews , Tuesday, January 11, 2011. This latest study, which was published in the journal Nature Geoscience, is the first study to memprediski fate of Earth in 1000 years. Scientists use computer simulations to explore the scenario 'zero emission' which started in 2010 and 2100.In addition to the West Antarctic ice melt, at the same time, 30 percent in the north African desert turned into dry land. Warming seas are rising up to five percent trigger the collapse of West Antarctic ice sheet, covering an area roughly equal to the vast prairie in Canada. This study has not been completed. The scientists plan to continue this research to find out more when the West Antarctic ice is completely destroyed and melted.

3. Unstable Economy

In this age men are many, there must be rich and some poor, this could be a definite possibility, perhaps at that time the rich man will get richer until the offspring, perhaps also the poor get poorer people to offspring. how not? humans have a lot of this, a president of any country will be frazzled provide funds to communities who are less capable of a definite amount will be many at that time.

4. Ozone layer Meniipis

Because global warming is very bad now until the year 3000, the ozone layer is estimated to have been very thin in the year 3000. This resulted in the UV rays penetrate and affect the earth's temperature to be very high, estimated at 50-60s C. If you like this, tropical countries will be harmed and would avoid the 4 seasons summer. Not to mention the risk of flooding due to increased water evaporation.

5. Terrorist Rising

Tragic! Perhaps in that year more and more terrorists, because this disaat2 criminals getting smarter brain to revolt, we take an example only. America as a country that we think are great & large, have not been able to deal with terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, where two buildings in New York's sold-out hit by two planes filled timur2 terrorist origin, it does not bear responsibility casualties reached 3000 killed!. Plus an increasingly virtual world developed, who know there was a special website to register as a terrorist who could not be tracked by police networking, then yet again with orang2 who teach heresy to be a terrorist to disciple students, this becomes one of monitoring terrible.

6. Grave not miss out Land

If the soil / land already the world's population increasingly dense & dense, probably tombs will be bertingkat2 like building. This course will save the land because the cemetery was made stratified.

7. Increased Human Short 2 cm

Nowadays, what foods are still fresh? Most palingan also instant food, snack, etc.. food that may have been common with us, but it reduces the nutritional food, if we do this for generations, perhaps the body's children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren we will grow shorter. With so let us eat foods that are nutritious for our bodies strong and healthy.

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