7 Tips To Make Love Letters

You want to learn to write love letters? While it may be, have been considered old-fashioned, but it would not hurt if we know and can make a romantic love letter. Back to Nature, back to nature, back to the past. Feel how beautifully written a love letter

Though now the modern age, everything has been using computers, but writing skills remain the main things that are not replaced by any technology. Are not all the documents on the internet is also a result of the paper and the skills we cultivate word for word? Well, who knows, once you can create a letter (love), you end up addicted and going forward, you just can not make a love letter, but you can make an essay, article or just a diary on your blog.

Well, for those of you who want to learn to make a love letter, try the following tips:

1. Create Atmosphere Supporting
Clean your desk, put photos of people you care about in front of you, and play your favorite music, which can make you relax. However to make a romantic phrases that you need a romantic atmosphere as well.

2. Choose Letter Paper, Envelopes and Ink Best
3. Others To Provide Concept Paper
In this paper, you write about the quality of your love and you also write your expectations if one day she received love you.

4. Opening Letter
Should say hi intimate and meaningful love, like "Hello darling", "Honey" and others

5. Contents
The first section should specify the contents of the letter what you think about him, about your admiration on him, and mentioned also why he is so special in your heart. After that you express at least two important things from him that makes you fall in love. Suppose that because of her beautiful hair, captivating eyes or lips are sexy and others. Anyway this section, you are obliged to praise about him. Still the content section, you finally write down your hopes and your dreams if he accepts your love.

6. Finally Letter Words With A Romantic, as in "I Love You", "I will always love you".

7. Do not Forget To Affix your signature on the letter you wrote.
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7 Advantages Of Social Networking Google Plus

Here are 7 Advantages of Social Networking Google Plus, namely:

1. Repost Repost There are facilities that have Reshared term, so we can immediately cite an existing status of friends in our circle. This is similar to Retweet on Twitter, on Facebook? no.

2. Set the status that we make can be arranged if it should not be shared again or should not be commented upon.

3. Various modes Letter contrast to FB and Twitter, in G (stands for Google) could write a status with a slanted fashion, graffiti, or bold, exciting right?

4. Permissible Load gif image gif extension makes loading time is long, but this function in G so that the extension gif image can be run as usual when dishared in G status.

5. Live Notification This term is actually my own, on FB if there is a notification then to see the comments people then we have to the page in question. Not with G because we can immediately see the status of what once dikomentarin can directly reply to comments, sophisticated!

6. Lightweight With Live Notification Facility should require a connection that qualified but was a mediocre connection can smoothly open G.

7. Instant Upload I tried the application on the Android G and there are facilities Instant Upload, first I think photographing and to "share" photos, it was not like that because once the "cekrek" on Android application then automatically uploaded photos directly. Many are afraid that the photos will not be tershare deserve, but it turns out that in an instant photo was uploaded in an album and not published in the Stream.
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7 Signs Men Playboy

No woman wants a lover playboy. But still many do not realize that she was dating a man playboy.

Prior already love, first identify the character. Could be, the man who is close to you now also include the type of player. Reporting from the Girl Ask Guy, the following seven signs.

1. Contacting After At 11 and 12 Nights
There are 24 hours per day, if he likes you, he will choose the right time to ask about you. After a night at 11 and 12 is the hour 'fun' guy. If he calls in the hours that means she does not want to get serious with you, he's just trying to tease you in her spare time.

2. Have Many Female Friends
Beware when a man has many women friends than men. A typical male can close playboy with several women at one time. So if the he often receives calls from women, you should be more alert to it.

3. Smart Stringing Words
Why women are difficult to resist the playboy bondage? Because he's good at talking and flirting. He knows what to talk about when you're angry, upset or sad. He also will make you feel special and every word he's a good reflects. At this time, in fact he is deceiving you and control your emotions.

4. Talking a Lot About Your Physical
What woman would not love a compliment. But when he praised the more your body, so be careful. He wants a better relationship and are trying to play you.

5. Be Different in Front of Friends of sixteen men
When in front of his friends, the type of player he will give more hugs and physical touch to the female. Do not be proud of yet, this is not the expression is unfortunately, but just wanted to show his male friends 'is my new prey'.

6. Highly Confident
The player has a high confidence level. How not, she was able to conquer the girls who diinginkan.Lebih from it, they could ensnare two to three girls at a time. That's what makes a playboy more confident.

7. Not Interested in Your Life
When he asks about your day, not necessarily he really cares. They make it appear as caring, in fact not. They do this all to get something. When a woman has to believe, it can easily he will get his wish.
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7 Artis Hollywood That Was Never Wear Bra

Behavior is sometimes very phenomenal artists, many who consider it tesebut used to rake in the community to rise in popularity, many, many ways to draw it done by artists such as just berdadan sexy with clothes that are tight, or make a kehebihan entertainment world.

Well some wantu ago I discovered a horrendous ie 7 artists who do not penah menggukan BRA or BH, this sort of thing is often done by the artist. they do this if it was not convenient if memankai BH or is there a covert mission in it, we tida know, which is clearly below adlah 7 Artis Hollywood That Was Never Wear Bra, namely:
1.Jennifer Aniston
2. Megan Fox

3. Britney Spears
4. Lindsay Lohan
5. LeAnn Rimes
6. Sharon Stone 
7. Kate Moss
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7 Type Based Method Man Pee

Shy guy:
If you feel seen or glimpsed someone else, pipisnya not out, but pretended to flush out, then back again later.

Shy guy a disgrace:
Pee in my pants.

Men Like Daydreaming:
Neck unbuttoned his shirt, removing his tie, then pee in his pants.

Efficient man:
Although it was time to pee, but was detained until urgent need to defecate, and then do both at one time the same.

Drunk guy:
Held the left thumb with your right hand, and then peed in his pants.

Men Fake:
Girls pee in the toilet!

Stingy man:
If defecate in toilets General, ngakunya pee (I'll pay cheaper).
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7 Interesting Facts About Skin

Outermost organ of the human body kluit alias that is flexible and soft. For the sake of the healthy skin, every day people cleanse, moisturize and protect skin, especially women. What are the facts behind the human skin?

As quoted from HowStuffWorks, by understanding the skin can help place them in a perspective of how the skin to fill all the space in the body.

1. It protects internal organs from external elements such as temperature extremes, ultraviolet rays from the sun and harmful chemicals.

2. Skin also helps retain water, prevent infections and produce essential proteins and vitamins. To perform all tasks, it takes the skin in large quantities.

3. The average adult has about 8 pounds (3.6 kilograms) or about 22 feet square (6.7 square meters) of skin.

4. Not all skins can be seen by the eye. Human skin consists of three layers, ie epidermis, dermis and fat layer under the skin, or hypodermic. And each layer has a different purpose. The epidermis is the outer layer of skin that gives pigment and produce new skin cells as replacement cells are already dead.

5. The dermis is the middle layer, is a place of pain and touch receptors as containing blood vessels, hair follicles, collagen and elastin. While the lower layers of the skin composed of collagen and fat, which helps absorb shock and protect the body and internal organs.

6. The skin is an organ that continues to evolve and constantly changing throughout our lives. Even the man took off about 40,000 skin cells per minute.

7. Experience skin renewal every 35 days. This means that when a person aged 20 years, he has undergone a change of skin as much as 200 times.
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7 Scientific Facts, Why We Must Bathing Every Day

Apparently not just make a fresh bath body, but there are other benefits behind it. Recently no studies regarding the bathroom where the body was in addition to cleaning the bathrooms also have a role preformance boost the immune system, preventing skin diseases, even to heal a serious medical problem.

Several studies have shown that bathing is efficacious among others:

1. People with Diabetes
For diabetics, with a half-hour soak in a tub of warm water can lower blood sugar levels by about 13%.

2. Heart Health
With a 10-minute soak in warm water can improve the heart health of both men and women.

3. Eczema
Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin dry and itchy. For patients with skin diseases like eczema, rashes, hives can add baking soda into the tub because it's based on the research of baking soda acts as an antiseptic.

The way the content of water first with warm water, add about a tablespoon of baking soda and stir until blended. It is advisable to soak for 10-20 minutes.

4. Infection
To infection such as thrush can add the warm water that is three or four of cider vinegar and Soak for 15-20 minutes. It's also good for removing toxins from the body because the vinegar can rebalance the acid.

5. Flu and Headache
To cure the flu and headaches can be done by soaking the feet in warm water. Put warm water in the tub to cover the foot and ankle, add a few drops of oils such as lavender, peppermint or lemon. When finished rinse with cold water. Do it for 10-20 minutes.

6. Insomnia
For patients who have insomnia or sleep problems can soak the feet in cool water. Put the foot until the foot feels cold. This treatment is also useful for tired legs, nose bleeding, and constipation.

7. Circulation

If you have circulation problems then try to start soaking the feet for one or two minutes in warm water, then 30 minutes in cold water. Try to do for 15 minutes then solved with cold water.
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7 Reasons Why Sleeping In The Legislative Assembly Session

Do not already think badly of House members who sleep in the courtroom. Because, for various reasons could happen. Indeed, there are negative but there is also a cause of human reason to be tolerated.

1. Members of Parliament always appreciate parental advice. Said the old nap is important and healthy, in order to avoid dangerous diseases and youthful.

2. Sleep is not sleep, they are paid. So, better sleep

3. Will surely hear conversations gantuk kink, does not contain, fanciful, hypocritical, winding, stiff, no definite goal direction,

4. If you want to drop big enemies such as Sri Mulyani House members definitely excited and never give up. Guaranteed 7 days and 7 nights for literacy continues to fight for the interests of himself and his party,

5. Not all members of the House to sleep. They only sleep when talking about the people. But if they are talking about money, salaries, benefits, positions, projects, literacy smua eyes until dawn.

6. They do not sleep. They are being pondered and dreamed of how to keep his people and himself richer, at least a turnover, because many of his salary paid to the party treasury, pay installments villas and luxury cars, and constituents! At the same time their motion is not free anymore after KPK.

7. Because of that discussed in the trial did not involve self-interest and his party. If concerned individuals and parties, discussions and interruptions would never end.
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7 Incidentally The Weird And Funny

1. In 1979, German magazine - Das Besteran - held a writing contest.
Readers sent in unusual stories, but must be based on a true story.
The winner, Walter Kellner of Munich, eventually won the race had his story published.

He writes about when he flew a Cessna 421 between Sardinia and Sicily. The plane experienced problems at sea, landed on the water, he finally drifting buoys with emergency quite a while before finally rescued.
This story was spotted by an Austrian, also named Walter Kellner, who accused the German Kellner had plagiarized the story. Austrian Kellner said that he flew a Cessna 421 over the same sea, experienced engine trouble, and finally had to land in Sardinia. So basically, it's the same story, but with a different ending.

The magazine check the truth of their story together, and dua2nya was right, almost exactly the same.

2. On July 28, 1900, the King of Italy Umberto I to dinner at a restaurant in the city of Monza. It was the exact same restaurant owners face with the king. The name of the owner of the restaurant was also Umberto and his wife's name is also the same as the name of the queen, even the restaurant was opened on the same date with the inauguration of the king.
The restaurant owner Umberto was shot dead the next day. So did King Umberto.

3. Volbonne kill Baron Claude de Tarazone Rodemire from France in 1872. 21 years earlier, the Baron's father had been killed as well by someone else who is also named Claude Volbonne

4. On 13 February 1746, a Frenchman, Jean Marie Dubarry, was executed for having killed his father.
Exactly 100 years later, on 13 February 13, a French as well, also named Jean Marie Dubarry, was executed - also for killing his father.

5. On November 26, 1911, three men were hanged at Greenberry Hill in London after being found guilty of the murder of Sir Edmund Berry. Name three of them, among others, Green, Berry and Hill.

6. British actor Anthony Hopkins delighted when he got the lead role in a film based on a book called The Girl From Petrovka written by George Feifer. A few days after signing the contract, Hopkins went to London to buy the book. He tried several bookshops, but nothing is selling. While waiting for the train home in Leicester Square, he saw a book lying on a chair waiting. Miraculously, it turns out that the book The Girl From Petrovka. Apparently it does not happen to stop there.

Two years later, while filming in Vienna, Hopkins was visited by George Feifer, the author of the book.

Feifer mentioned that he lost his own book. He lent his books - with some of his own hand-written notes - to his friend, who then lost the book somewhere in London. With astonishment, Hopkins gives Feifer the book he found. 'This is the book?' he asked, 'with notes in the margins?' It's the same book.

7. A British officer, Major Summerford, while fighting in the Flanders region in February 1918 fell from his horse because of lightning and he became paralyzed from the waist down. Summerford retired and moved to Vancouver.

One day in 1924, when he was fishing on the riverbank, a lightning struck the tree under which he was sitting and paralyzing the right side of the body. Two years later Summerford was sufficiently recovered and was able to walk in the park. And he was berjalan2 in the garden in the summer in 1930 when a lightning bolt struck her again, and eventually incapacitate it permanently. He died two years later. But the lightning seems to have not been satisfied and still after him. Four years later, during a storm, lightning struck the cemetery and destroyed a tombstone. Who's buried under a gravestone? Major Summerford
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7 Things Girls Should Know About The Boy

1. Women are creatures who love to "snack". Because, in their nggapan, stores, shops, malls, supermarkets, or the market is the place where they like to feel controlled (buktina when they are very "lost control" on the spot).

2. Women really like everything that is "a bargain". So, the question of 'whether it is needed' is irrelevant. For them, everything is sold and offered like a game that's fun and fair.

3. Women basically have nothing to wear. so, do not ask about the clothes rack in the closet, you "just have no idea why".

4. Women need to cry. And they will not cry unless they know that you can hear it.

5. Women will always ask about something that has no definitive answer. This is their attempt to make you feel guilty.

6. Women need to talk. So, they will always talk, talk, ngacapruk eyebrows, because silence or shut up so painful for them, although they are in fact no one wanted to talk about.

7. Women need to feel that there are others who are 'bad' from them. That's why events such as the Oprah Winfrey Show was very successful.
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