7 Reasons Why Sleeping In The Legislative Assembly Session

Do not already think badly of House members who sleep in the courtroom. Because, for various reasons could happen. Indeed, there are negative but there is also a cause of human reason to be tolerated.

1. Members of Parliament always appreciate parental advice. Said the old nap is important and healthy, in order to avoid dangerous diseases and youthful.

2. Sleep is not sleep, they are paid. So, better sleep

3. Will surely hear conversations gantuk kink, does not contain, fanciful, hypocritical, winding, stiff, no definite goal direction,

4. If you want to drop big enemies such as Sri Mulyani House members definitely excited and never give up. Guaranteed 7 days and 7 nights for literacy continues to fight for the interests of himself and his party,

5. Not all members of the House to sleep. They only sleep when talking about the people. But if they are talking about money, salaries, benefits, positions, projects, literacy smua eyes until dawn.

6. They do not sleep. They are being pondered and dreamed of how to keep his people and himself richer, at least a turnover, because many of his salary paid to the party treasury, pay installments villas and luxury cars, and constituents! At the same time their motion is not free anymore after KPK.

7. Because of that discussed in the trial did not involve self-interest and his party. If concerned individuals and parties, discussions and interruptions would never end.

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