7 Facts About Women's Sex Myths

Women do want dimengerti.Kata it is very true, given the nature of women in general are sensitive. There are many myths circulating about the sex lives of adult women. Here are 7 Myths Facts About Sex for Women, namely:

1. More Small Women Sex Passion
Fact: Not true, if yes, this only occurs in women who suffer from sexual dysfunction is not passionate about sex is one of the symptoms of sexual dysfunction. Another symptom is not able to achieve orgasm, and pain during intercourse. In addition, there are several other factors that could reduce or lower the sex drive of women. What is clear, as long as healthy women, it will be the same as sexual arousal in men, really. Perhaps what is different is how. Men are more open to express feelings and desires, while women tend to be more closed and waited.

2. Sex is not important

Fact: Although not the main priority of sex count. Sex is not important? Not entirely true. Clearly, sex is also one of the priorities of women, though not the most important. For women, sex is not everything, especially in the context of husband-wife relationship. Women tend to give more attention to things related to comfort, fit, and the smoothness of the husband-wife communication. So, sex is still important, but there are also other things that also should be given attention.

3. Orgasm = G-spot
Fact: Orgasms do not always occur because the G-spot. It is true, every woman has a G-spot (Grafenberg Spot). And was well known that the G-spot is the center of sexual stimulation of the vagina. However, it is not always the G-spot can make a woman get an orgasm. So do not menjai G-spot as the only hope to gain pleasure. There are still many other roads to Rome, there are many ways in order to obtain satisfaction of the husband-wife relationship. For example, through an intense foreplay, touch, communication during intercourse, and so on.

4. Reluctant to Discuss Sex For Women Taboo
Fact: Most women actually talk about sex more often than men. Talking about sex? Tabu ah! Not true, too. In fact, according to research most women discuss sex proved to be more frequent among them than men. The topics like women, among others, about the appearance of the opposite sex, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual stimulation, and appropriate contraception. Other topics are also of interest to women is about the experience of dating and beauty of a romantic relationship. While men prefer to talk about sexual matters in general. However, there certainly are women who do not like talking about sex.

5. The sex of Certain Ethnic woman Superb
Fact: Physically, there was no difference in the vagina because of different ethnicities. Many myths about the greatness of a woman's sexual prowess of a certain ethnicity that circulate widely in society, and this is clearly not true. The myth of them mentions the existence of a particular ethnic differences in the vagina, which makes different sexual activity than women of other ethnicities. Physically, it is clear there was no difference in the vagina based on ethnicity. If there are differences in sexual activity, it could be influenced by cultural and ethnic values.

6. Fantasize When Dealing With Other Men Sexual, Women Not Faithful
Fact: Women stay true, just imagine the other men to increase sexual arousal alone. Indeed, in general, women do not usually have fantasy sex with other men. However, not all women can receive 100 percent partner. Fantasies with other men is actually just to make it more passionate, so that he remains loyal.

7. Dry vagina More Okay
Fact: dry vagina makes women uncomfortable intercourse. Precisely vaginal dryness during intercourse may make women feel sick and uncomfortable. Naturally, the vagina will discharge. Fluids is what makes the vagina wet during the process of sex. Vaginal dryness it indicates that women are not ready to have intercourse. This myth is very powerful, so then came the products that offer herbal and health insurance will remain dry vagina.

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