7 Unique Facts Behind the Laughter

Did you know the benefits and unique facts behind the laughter? Here are 7 Unique Facts Behind the Laughter, namely:

1. Babies can not laugh until they reach the age of three months.

2. Laugh for 10-15 minutes can burn more calories.

3. Laughter capable of removing air in the lungs with a speed of 60 mph.

4. There are 17 facial muscles used to smile, while frowning takes 47 facial muscles.

5. Someone who laughs often happy to have heart disease risk 40 percent lower than those of gloom.

6. Would you believe, there are plants that flower called laughter. The minute I saw you would laugh like crazy for half an hour.

7. Laughed 17 minutes a day is believed to extend life for one day.

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