7 Ways To Kill Yourself Most Popular In Society

Harakiri, a typical Japanese way of suicide, probably the most popular means of suicide. But this certainly does not apply in Indonesia. Indonesia's people there who carry a samurai. At most a machete, dagger, or bamboo spears. Well, the real question is, if it's harakiri suicide typical Japanese way, continue if harakanan what yah ..? (Questions that do not need to be answered)

Okay, back to the topic of the most popular means of suicide. A bit weird actually why I wrote about how to commit suicide. Not that because I want to kill myself. but remember many people commit suicide, who knows there are people who commit suicide nyari way on google and stray into my blog. not so nambahin traffic, hehe. Right away, well here it is 7 Ways to Kill Yourself Most Popular In Society, namely:

1. Drinking Poison Suicide With Insects Baygon
I wonder what makes this Baygon selected by the lovers committed suicide. Though there is clearly written insecticide, but still drink too. But we must not prejudice. Who knows, they are people who lack clean water or because they were not able to make up for the drug in an expensive hospital for illnesses that do not heal. Or may be they can not distinguish between Baygon with MIZONE writing the color is almost mirip.Sebab reportedly, illiteracy rate in Indonesia is still quite high. Only they and God knows.

2. Jump From Elevation
Again I do not know, what is the reason they chose the high ground. Are they tired of living under the poverty line? So occasionally you want to feel high place, though the face of death once. Alternatively, they could not reach his goals high. High ideals must be in barengi with higher education. And higher education should be coupled with a high money anyway. Want more likely that stupid? They become obsessed superheroes who can fly, like Superman or p-man.

3. Suicide
There are two possibilities here. First, Her life had been too often hanged. Hanged by the promises of the authorities. Hanged by uncertainty and false hopes that never come true. Hope to get out of the poverty line. Hope to get a decent life. Hope to get a better job. And a million other expectations will only be left blank new expectations for the child and his wife. The second possibility, they had no place cleave. The only place to rely, namely the company where he worked, had to lay off her. They are confused, finally decided to hang on the tree of life jengkol only. .. Tragic, ironic ..!!! Because that's where they lose their lives. "Why, hang it the same living God alone. Guaranteed, guns going on layoff ".

4. With a razor cut Nadi
Maybe they want to prove that it really razor sharp. It could also be due to wonder if their blood blue or red? They say blue blood is more respected than among those ortang bloody red.

5. Suicide Ala Koboy
Whether inspired by the film koboy which, clear them, koboy-koboy Indonesia also can shoot himself in the head. Typically, these koboy-koboy Indonesia committed suicide after playing for his gun mainin nakutin people.

6. Fuel Yourself Together Loving Family
Maybe so no money to buy a grilled fish. Finally they decided to burn himself together. It aims to maintain a sense of togetherness between family members. After the departure of their father. .. Ah, they do not know if kerosene is expensive now ..?

7. Sleep Above Railway
Long before Limbad demonstrate the magic run over by bulldozers, method / way to commit suicide by being run over by a train was already popular. The reason is of course because it's cheaper to stay lying on the back

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