7 Work Time We Still Dream Children

Do you remember your first childhood when meeting with om, aunt or distant relatives who then asked, "if you want to grow up so what dear?", Then you start berceletuk with funny, "I want to be a doctor, om", "Pinter ... "said om you, rubbing your head. Maybe this time you are not a doctor, but the make up artist, fashion designer, secretary or assistant project manager in a company, then why not become a doctor as you would like as a child? Possible reasons will vary, it could be because you do not like biology class, or the fear of seeing blood, or do you prefer to draw rather than arithmetic. Well, everyone can change. But without realizing it, a dream job that will never change. Up until now whenever we asked the children whether they want to be, they will answer the desire to be like this. Here are 7 Work Time We Still Dream Children, namely:

1. Doctor
What a glorious work, more noble than the superhero Spiderman, Superman or Wonder Woman. Save the lives of others is something most want to do everyone, including children. In their minds are still filled with peace and love, for it would not be surprised if their main goal is to become a doctor and save people who fall ill.

2. Pilot
Yes that sounds fun to be a pilot, flying and traveled everywhere. Apparently this second profession is also one favorite profession after doctors. But it also became one of the proofs that they want to be given the freedom to fly to and fro with a free and happy. Right?

3. Astronauts
Being an astronaut is not easy for children, especially those living in Indonesia, which has never sent its own rocket to the moon. But the curiosity of children in the space is so great, love of nature is extraordinary, would not be surprised if they wish to explore the planet, and examine whether there are in their place?

4. Lawyer
Duty lawyers are defending the right on the field of justice. Struggling to collect evidence and defend innocent clients, and make justice prevail over evil milestone. Like a superhero who they admire, the kids always want to defend the right and fight crime. If only dreams of these children carry over into adulthood, perhaps the level of corruption in Indonesia is low huh?

5. President
Indeed, not everyone can necessarily be president, there are some qualifications and prerequisites someone can sit in the presidency. But this shows that children have a leadership that we must not ignore. Which of course the courage, wisdom and knowledge we have of fertilizer from the outset.

6. Artist
The dream of becoming artists not just dream one or two people. Being artist is famous for its mastery of all acting and physical appearance. Living revered by wallowing in wealth, who does not? But instead of prosperity and the big names that make the kids interested in the artist's profession, but they really idolize to be like the artist they like, especially in terms of appearance. Perhaps hell ya son, just do not follow mating divorce as young artists who are currently yes.

7. Athlete
Fun kicking a ball, kids can be like to be like John Terry, center back Chealsea football club was dogged by problems of having an affair. But the dream is not about cheating the kids, but a kick prowess and ability to score goals indahlah they deserved.

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