7 Human Mental Illness

1. Blaming Other People
That disease P and K, the Primitive and Childish. Primitive. Blaming others is a primitive mindset. In the interior of Africa, if someone is sick, who thought out is: "Who ya who nyantet?" Always the "who", not "what" the cause. The field of modern medicine is always to find out "what" is why, instead of "who". So if we think to blame others, it's the same with a primitive attitude. Use koteka aja, do not have to wear a tie and jacket. Childish. Why? The children always never want to be blamed. If there are dishes that fall, "tuh the wrong sister," or, "Ma'am tuh wrong". You wear bib overalls wrote that being so. If we are mature, intelligent and always be looking for something to happen.

2. Blaming Yourself
Blamed himself that he felt inadequate. This is different from admitting mistakes. You've been there? If you say never, you're lying. "Ah, hell he can, he's an expert, he has a job, he's talented, and so on, Lha, I was what?, Wow, I can not deh. She S3, LHA, my junior high school, can not deh wah. He's got a lot of time I was busy, certainly can not deh ". This disease such as cancer, plus a big, big part in the mental self so that it can achieve "improper guilty feeling".
So even though the wrong partners, subordinates, superiors, or even, dare say, "Why I have to do wrong, inadequate, and so on". This disease can slowly kill us. Feel inferior, we do not have the ability. We often compare the success of others with our shortcomings, so the success of others is considered fair because they have something more that we do not have.

3. Goal Or No Have Ideals
We are often stuck with busy work, but its direction is unclear. Should we always have work targets with milestones. Create long-term targets and short-term in writing. Illustrations like this: There is a good dog ran snob. "What the heck can not I chase, losing just wrote my horse". Then there is a rabbit jumping, kiclik, kiclik, kiclik. His friend said, "Well there tuh rabbits, catch on". He chased the rabbit, rabbit ...., wesss run faster, the dog insists on chasing and running mascara rabbit-ears (to not hear / care about anything), and not eventually overtaken, rabbit fence entrance. The dog returned to his friend and diketawain. "Ah, you, he said good run, the same can not chase a rabbit wrote. He said most taut lu '. "Lha he goalnya hell to stay alive, survive, lha cave goalnya hell wrote for fun". If the "GOAL" we just for "FUN", the contents of the time wrote, so the results are just out of breath alone.

4. Having a Goal ", but inconsequential to achieve
Usually experienced by people who are not "teachable". Goalnya wrong, our focus is also wrong, way too wrong, too wrong direction. Illustrations like this: there are young men obsessed with gold, because the influence of traditions that deify gold. This young man went to the mall and fill the sack with gold and barge ngeloyor go. Of course the police and were arrested. He replied, "Basically I want gold, I do not want to look left-right".

5. Taking shortcuts (Shortcut)
Success has not been crossed with a shortcut. Shortcuts do not bring people to real success, because it does not follow the process. If we avoid the process, is not ripe, even if cooked dikarbit yes. So, there's no shortcut tuh. Indonesian badminton players get up at 5 am, running around Senayan, do the smash 1000 times. That's not a shortcut. Nobody inattentive, careless every day wear gloves, keep all of a sudden become champion badminton. No! If you are told to put the money of 1 million, in 3 weeks to 3 million, it makes sense not tuh? No way!. Because it is against nature.

6. Taking Way Too Long, Too Casual
This analogy: The plane can fly for take-off, must have a minimum speed. Boeing 737, to be able to take-off, requiring a minimum speed of 300 km / hour. If he was just a speed of 50 km / hour, yes just splurging avtur ngabis-aja, aja muter-muter. Experience, if the course you just use a straight runwaynya speed of 50 km / h, it can not take-off, even nyungsep yes. Right?

7. Ignoring Small Things
He wants the big things, that scene, but the little ones do not dikerjain. He forgot that the structure of a large building, there must be a small component. I wish the great wrote. Ignoring little things aja not allowed, let alone ignore the little people.

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