7 Advantages Compared Twitter Facebook

Well it is actually facebook is currently more popular than twitter, facebook users number more than a twitter user, and when this post was written, of the 100 sequences most accessible website in Indonesia, whereas facebook twitter occupies No. 1 ranked 17. But if you look from the other side "was more interesting twitter and facebook superior". I'm sure one day all those bored with facebook, and it's starting to look now, a lot of friends no longer actively playing facebook, unlike the early days of boom. What an interesting and superior to twitter? and what distinguishes it from facebook? Here are 7 of Excellence Twitter from Facebook, namely:

1. Only 140 Characters
Update your twitter status only limited to 140 characters (letters, numbers, symbols, or spaces) while the update status on facebook was originally limited to 160 characters now increased to 420 characters. Because only 140 characters on twitter, then we must write a brief and needs to be, especially if you include a link (link) we really have to think to select and condense said. Whereas in facebook status updates can be long, it could be a single paragraph, may be able to write a full song:). Finally, if the update status on facebook do not have trouble picking and abbreviate words, no wonder the update status on facebook sometimes there is a bombastic impressed: D.

2. No Comments Threaded
In reply to facebook status updates are a way to write a comment that appears below the status updates, and so on in sequence (threaded). On twitter different, way back is a status update by writing a new status update to include @ namaorang is returned. This is what makes twitter to be special. Imagine if someone writes status update is only intended for us, writing is posted on halamanya, of tweet is even more impressive, if not we so reluctant to reply. Because it is in the twitter user to be more active "hello" to be a lot of tweet replies:) (How to reply using the symbol "@" was recently also imitated by facebook)

3. Followings and Followers
On twitter, if we want to follow someone's status updates, should be a "follower" without "asking" friends (except for that activate privacy). If the-follow, we do not have to reply to a follower he was. So the timeline contains only updates the status of the people we elect only. If at any time do not like, we can unfollow the person, automatically updates the status does not exist in our timeline. On facebook, all my friends can read status updates. Conversely, we can also read the status updates of all our friends. Not distinguished whether a close friend / close, or friends who do not know though. Update status of all our friends on the porch, it is difficult to set so that only appeared on the porch of the status updates of people who we choose, may do only with "deciding friendship".

4. Without Confirmation
On Twitter, if not enable privacy, then everyone can read status updates, including those who do not have a twitter account. All people can follow without having to ask for confirmation from us. Perhaps for this reason that makes some of the artists, celebrities, politicians, ministers, until the president had a twitter. Accounts they usually follow by thousands of people. If facebook would bother confirming friend requests one by one the number of tens of thousands:).

5. No. No Quiz Game
Actually, the official service of the twitter status updates only without other applications such as photos, videos, and others. If on twitter can do that is because aid application outside of twitter. Because only the status updates, then the conversation on twitter will be more focused and interesting, for example when there is an earthquake disaster, the news on twitter will feel more actual. While on facebook at the same time (during an earthquake) is still seen people who are busy playing the game (example: Mafia Wars, Pet Society and others), or appear as well-quiz quiz reports which are less important. Recently facebook has released a lite version which does not bring up games and quizzes on our porch. (Feel overwhelmed by twitter?)

6. Hashtags (#) And Trending Topic
Hashtags are used to mark a particular topic in the conversation on twitter, the symbols used are the "#". By using hashtags, status updates can be grouped by topic in the search results. Some examples of hashtags who had been a Trending Topic: # indonesiaunite, # jamansd, # mbahsurip, # recognition. Trending topics are the topics being discussed by tweeps crowded, usually displayed 10 list on the right sidebar timeline. Trending topic could be useful for corporate branding in their marketing target, could also be useful for the politicians to see the actual issues, and useful for anyone to follow the global trend, for example: the latest movie releases. And many other benefits. Hashtags and Trending topic is not in the facebook

7. Many Tools and Applications Support
Take a look at our twitter timeline, post tweets come from a variety of tools or applications, for example: tweetdect, UberTwitter, Tweete, hahlo, twitpic, Twhirl, twitterfox, and others could be hundreds if mentioned:) one instance list applications / tools supporters twitter please check here. And the application can be used from a variety of platforms: from the web, mobile, Blackberry, iPhone, and others. Sometimes in some applications even has features more complete, more complex, more sophisticated than web access via twitter itself. For example on the web there are no facilities twitter RT (retweet) but in other applications exist, in twitter can not upload images, but we can upload photos on twitpic. and others. Very flexible. So does Facebook have tools / applications supporting as many twitter? the answer is: "no":)

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