7 Character Idaman Men Women

1. Communicative
According to research, women need more time to talk and to talk to than men. Women love a man y ang communicative and always had an interesting conversation material. Of course, humorous man who had a plus in the eyes of women.

2. Attention
Women love a caring man. Reasonable and genuine attention can make a woman feel appreciated and loved. When delivered at the right time, little attention could leave the impression yan sweet and unforgettable.

3. Understanding
Men of understanding do not like to give a talk at length, put a frown or angry girlfriend to change bad habits. He is always ready to take advantage of his mistake, trying to tolerate his weaknesses, trying to fulfill her desire, trying to see from his perspective, and so on.

4. Firm
Women need a companion who can be assertive and able to take decisions. For example, when confused to choose, she needs you to help him make decisions. Men who are wishy-washy, indecisive and difficult decisions memgambil usually underappreciated.

5. Rigid
Women admire a man who acts tough and big hearts. Incredulity is not visible when everything runs smoothly. Instead he was tested when there is a problem, when the relationship is threatened putusa, when the exam failed, when the layoffs, etc.. Men who easily give up, despair and frustration are not attractive to a woman. How could I would take refuge in a baby's fragile!

6. Respect for Women
Women will honor a man who respected him. When women feel respected? When she opened the door and welcome to go in first, when the load is lifted taken over, when he was not left waiting too long, when he praised in front of others, when their work appreciated, and so on.

7. Protecting Women
Although love is protected, but she does not like over-protective and rigid. women do not feel protected when everywhere always escorted, supervised or monitored though the pretext for the sake of salvation. Juha tida women like too regulated and prohibited even if the grounds for your good. Women appreciate the gentle protection. For example, walking or crossing on a secure position, in the company when he felt frightened, transfer to a doctor when he was sick when she boarded a jet accompanied by Coster, etc.

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