7 Poisons In Ourselves We Realize That Sometimes Not

1. Poison First: Evade
Symptoms: Running from reality, ignoring responsibilities, but by running away from reality, we will only get a superficial happiness that lasts a moment.
Antibody: Reality
How to: Stop deceiving yourself. Do not be too serious in dealing with problems due to mental hospitals are filled with patients who followed his grief and feel the environment a source of frustration. So, solve every problem faced completely and Believe that everything is best always have to be pursued vigorously.

2. Both toxins: Fear
Symptoms: Not sure myself, tense, anxious, among others, could be due to financial difficulties, marital conflict, sexual problems, etc..
Antibody: Courage
How to: Avoid a person who's dependent on anxiety. Remember, 99 percent of the things we worry about never happen. Courage is the most powerful self-defense. Use of intellectual analysis and look for solutions to problems through the right mental attitude. Courage is the process of re-education. So, do not hesitate to seek assistance from experts, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist.

3. Three Poisons: egoistic
Symptoms: Materialistic, aggressive, prefer to ask than to give.
Antibody: Being Social
How to: Do ​​not exploit your friends. Happiness will be obtained if we can help others. Keep in mind, people who do not expect anything from others is a person who never felt let down.

4. Poisons Fourth: Stagnation
Symptoms: Stop one phase, to make ourselves feel bored, bored, and unhappy.
Antibody: Ambition
Method: Continue to develop, meaning that we keep in our future ambitions. We do find happiness in the excitement when we achieve these ambitions.

5. Poison Five: Sense of Inferiority
Symptoms: Loss of self confidence and self-confidence and feel they have no ability to compete.
Antibody: Self Confidence
Method: A person will not win if before the war, believes he will lose. When we are confident in our ability, in fact we've got half of the targets that we want to achieve. So, success begins when we believe that we are able to achieve it.

6. Poison sixth: narcissistic
Symptoms: The complex of superiority, too arrogant, false pride.
Antibody: Humble
Method: The person that arrogant would easily lose friends, because without the presence of friends, we will not be happy. Avoid knowingly. Humbly, we would automatically want to hear other people making 50 percent chance of success we achieve.

7. Poison Seven: Self-pity
Symptoms: The habit of attention, the dominant mood, moody, feeling a termalang people in the world.
Antibody: Sublimation
How to: Do ​​not make yourself a neurotic, fixated on yourself. Forget the issue to behave themselves and avoid the sentimental and obsessive dependence on others .

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