7 New Wonders Of The Natural World

Saturday, November 12, 2011 early morning New 7 Wonders winners already announced the seven wonders of the world for the category of temporary nature. All you need do is checking, validation, and verification of calculation results independently. Bernard Weber, founder of New7Wonders Foundation asserts: "After the validation process is finished voting, in early 2012, the New7Wonders then will work with the winner to set the inaugural event with the official winner,".
Furthermore, Weber said: "We congratulate each of the participants in achieving the status of the winner while in the New7Wonders of Nature, and hopes to complete the confirmation process soon to celebrate the official ceremony in early 2012,"

As for the seven wonders of the natural world is as follows:
1.  Amazon 
2. Halong Bay 
3. Iguazu Falls
4. Jeju Island

5. Komodo
6. Puerto Princesa Underground River

7. Table Mountain

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