7 Wonders of the World In The Human Body

We do not realize that the many wonders that surround our bodies. Here are 7 wonders in the human body:
1. Heart
The heart consists of a powerful muscle size lump about the size of an adult hand. The heart is pumping blood from the instrument and to the entire body. The heart never stops pumping blood. During his lifetime the heart can pump as much as 200 billion liters of blood or the amount can fill the Garden of New York as high as 15 meters. Cardiac work was incredible, it only takes about 90 seconds to pump blood around the body through blood vessels whose length is 100,000 kilometers, equivalent to twice the length of the circumference of the earth. The heart of each day spent in the amount of energy sufficient to lift objects weighing nearly a ton to a height of 13 meters. At the heart of a person age 50 years has done work equivalent to lifting objects weighing 18,000 tons to a height of 230 km. Weight itself is several times more weight in the appeal of the heaviest payload ever placed in orbit the earth.
2. Substitution of the cell body
When we read this post, actually there are about 50 thousand of dead cells in our bodies. But, at the same time, also was born 50 thousand new cells that replace it (except in the brain, which can not grow new cells). Wow, it turns your body active, huh? At the same time, to digest the contents of this sentence, the message is delivered to the brain at speeds reaching 250 miles per hour!

3. Skin
One 6.25-inch square or rectangular skin, two times the size of a thumb nail; contains 645 sweat glands, nerves and 25 meters more than 1,000 nerve endings, 65 oil-producing and, 6 feet of blood vessels. One person living organisms that humans have more than the sum of all humans on earth. You see, in a square inch of the human body, it is home to about 32 million bacteria!

4. Mouth
Never eat hot food and cold, right? No matter how hot or cold food, but we can still accept the tongue. This is because our mouth adjusting the temperature of the food is a normal temperature, so that we can finally swallow. That is, the mouth will cool the hot food, and warm up the cold food. Well, it turns out our mouth is like a microwave and refrigerator, here.

5. Self-healing
Our bodies were not unlike like Heroes Claire Bennet in the series that can heal itself. You see, every wound would have healed us, and our bodies have a "miracle" to form a new body part. For example ya, we were wounded in the leg because a rock hit. Over time, the cells in the body will form a network of new flesh and skin to cover the scars are. However, it turns out there is one part of the body can not heal itself you know, that tooth. If we dislodged permanent tooth, do not hope to grow new teeth.

6. Eye
The human eye is classified as very sensitive, because in an ideal condition he could detect from a mountain top at night from a match flame at a distance of 80 km. Required tempo-fifth hundred seconds for the brain to recognize an object after the light from the object into the eye for the first time.

7. Thе Golden Ratio.
Every part of the human body proved to be a matter of mathematics. Believe іt οr nοt, Fibonacci numbers we encounter in the book Da Vinci Code, was also there in our own bodies. Numbers Phi (1:1,618) is a number that we will get every time we measure every inch of our bodies. Take a look at our hands knuckle look. The second segment of the tip size 1.618 times the length of the segment terujung, and so on. The formula is also phi we encounter on our faces. The length of our noses versus 1:1,618 compared to the width of the mouth from end to end. Teeth leading to tooth beside it also 1.1618 times larger size. This is called the Golden Ratio Thе.

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