7 Causes of Yellow Teeth

Do not blame toothpaste if your teeth are still yellow even though you never miss brushing your teeth regularly. Here are 7 Causes of Yellow Teeth, namely:

1. Herbal tea
Keeping the slimness of the body and health with herbal tea became a common practice lately. The body feels fitter, and more slender. However, it turns out this herbal tea to bring bad side effects to the teeth. Those who regularly consume herbal teas tend to have yellow teeth. Responding to this, Japanese researchers, as reported by Dailymail, suggested that consumers prefer herbal teas green teas. The content of catechins in green tea are believed to suppress the acid-producing bacteria on the teeth, so the yellow teeth more easily prevented.

2. Eye Drug
Perhaps you are confused, what is the relationship of eye drops with yellow teeth. However, these eye drops has become one of the causes teeth to yellow. Chemical content in eyedrops suppress the production of saliva. Where saliva will neutralize the acids in the mouth. Because the amount of saliva is reduced, automatically acids in the mouth will increase. Here the bacteria will multiply more rapidly, so that the teeth become yellow.

3. Swim
The results of studies conducted on 500 men swimmers mention that 66% of the swimmers suffered damage to the teeth and yellow teeth. This is due to the high content of chlorine in the water pool. Chlorine affects the pH of the water which causes a higher acid content. For that, do not forget to brush your teeth after swimming.

4. Teeth Whitening
How could even make teeth whitening teeth become yellow? Well, it turns out the workings of teeth whitening is not as simple as we think. Most, working with eroded tooth whitening teeth. And often, worn teeth whitening at home, does not work optimally. Instead of bleach, they actually erode tooth, making it brittle and yellow.

5. White Wine
You might think that red wine actually bad for your teeth, because of the color red. But it turns white wine instead give the effect is worse for your teeth. "White wine erodes teeth faster," said Dr Paul Ashley, director of dental health institutions, the University College Hospitals.

6. Brushing Teeth After Eating Sweet
I was so afraid there are bacteria that live in the tooth, then you will rush to brush your teeth after eating sweets. Really this? It turned out that precisely this is wrong. After the process of mastication, the mouth tends to be acidic. Currently the teeth eventually neutralize the situation by issuing mouth to protect tooth enamel. If you rush to brush your teeth, the enamel will be wasted and it is free of bacteria growing. For it is advisable to brush your teeth at least 1 hour after eating sweet things.

7. Diabetes

It is undeniable that the disease of this one was donating effect of yellow teeth, brittle and even porous. Unfortunately, many diabetics do not realize that this disease also affects the state of his teeth.

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