7 Computer Virus That Is Worth Caution

1. Storm Worm
Appears taon 2006, called "Storm Worm" because it spreads via email with the headline "230 dead as storm batters Europe". Storm worm is a Trojan program house. some versions could make computers become bots. Or commonly used hackers to spam mails through the internet.

2. Leap-A/Oompa- A
Mac had a concept of security through obscurity sure will not have a virus because its OS a closed system. But in 2006, Leap-A virus or so-called Oompa-A appears. Spreads via iChat on the Mac. Having a Mac attack, the virus will search for contacts via iChat and send messages to each contact. The message that contains a form of corrupt JPEG files. It is not dangerous, but it is still possible that there will be a dangerous virus that attacks the MAC.

3. Sasser And Netsky
Creator German children aged 17 years, Sven Jaschan. Sasser attacks on Microsoft Windows. This ga Sasser spreads via email. But if one computer connection to the computer got this virus. This virus makes the computer can not be without unplug the power shutdown. Netsky spreads via email with a 22 Kb file attachment and Windows networks. Can make DoS attacks. Sven Jaschan imprisoned not only given probation 1 taon 9 months, because age is still below 18 taon.

4. MyDome (Novarg)
Start attacking dated February 1, 2004, it created a backdoor virus on the OS. The first time it started to date a DDoS. Secondly, on the 12th of February, the virus stopped spreading and began creating backdoors. MyDoom spreads via email, but it always search on search engines, like Google began to receive millions of search queries and make slow until it crashes. Gara2 MyDoom, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer proposed making the National Response Center Virus.

5. SQL Slammer / Sapphire
Appeared in January 2003, cepet spread via the Internet. At that time Bank of America ATM service makes crashes, 911 service ancurnya Seattle, and Continental Airlines to cancel flights due to an error beberapap check in ama ticketing. Make a loss of more than $ 1 billion before dipacthed.

6. Nimda
It was also the year 2001, the opposite of the word "admin". It spreads very rapidly, according to TruSecure CTO Peter Tippett, Nimda only takes 22 minutes to make into the Top Ten at the time. Its target server2 Internet, spread over the Internet. Nimda will ngebuat backdoor into the OS. so an attacker can access to the server and do anything Nimda also a DDoS.

7. Code Red & Code Red II
Appears summer of 2001, attacking the OS Windows 2000 & NT. The virus will make the memory buffer is full so splurging. The most exciting time associated ama White House, all computers are going to automatically get the virus access to a web server in the White House all together, so make overload, aka DDoS attacks. Microsoft finally releases the patch at that time.

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