7 Things That Make Men Happy

All men would want to be happy, but the problem is, we often fail to find happiness in the wrong place. If there is happiness recipe, everyone must have been lined up to buy. While the experts find that recipe, we peek yuk, 7 things that make a man happy from Dr. Nick Powdthavee glasses, author of The Happinness Equation: The Surprising Economics of Our Most Valuable Asset. Here are 7 Things That Make Men Happy, namely:

1. Become A Particularly
"II want to be a billionaire so fricking bad / Buy all of the Things I never Had / Uh, I want to be on the cover of Forbes magazine / Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen," so the lyrics are sung songs Billionaire Travie McCoy with Bruno Mars. Clearly, the rich man is the desire of all people. Not applicable not grateful, but through research, it is completely visible and reasonable. According to Robert Frank, professor of economics at Cornell university, men were more concerned about others instead of earning their own income. He observed a raise just give a little happiness when income is still the same rank order as before, ie below that of other friends. In other words, he'd be happier if he had become the biggest fish in small ponds.

2. Sex
It's no surprise. Two British economists, David Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald, conduct statistical studies the relationship between a person's happiness with their sexual activity in the United States. Found, people who have sex regularly in the week, ie 4 times a week occupy a list of people who are happy. Men also enjoy better sex than women. Overall, the results of the study suggests, sex makes you feel happier. Either sex makes people happy or make people more happy intercourse. The second statement is quite valid.

3. Being Young Or Old
According Powdthavee, there is evidence to suggest that happiness is shaped like the letter U. Generally, the happiness of a man began when he was young, then continued to decline as we get older, reaching the lowest level when we reach the age of 40, then up again. As with depression, which reached its peak at the age of 40. Generally, because of this mid-life crisis.

4. Stay Close to the Office
This study actually found when searching for things that make a man miserable. According to economists in Switzerland, Bruno Frey and Alois Stutzer, we spend time to and from office to residence causing a very high stress. Even the burden of uncompensated distance it difficult to raise even once. Especially if it turns out the costs to and from the office and the house takes up most of his salary, has not been coupled with the sacrifice of time apart from family members in a long time.

5. Marriage
According to statistics, the marriage was good for health of a man. Men who were married decreased risk of death by 9 percent than men who are not married. Men who are married also significantly happier than unmarried, living together, separated, widowed, or single.

6. Become a Volunteer
The ability to help others was able to make a man feel more happy. It was invented by economist Stephen Meier and Alois Stutzer. According to them, the volunteers feel more satisfied with life than those who were not volunteers.

7. Works Favorites Have, Any salary
It turns out, can do the job like, how much salary is arguably one of the important components in achieving a happy life. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a psychologist, said, doing work that could produce a preferred form of highly focused concentration and absorption is very high. On reaching this, we will feel very strong, vibrant, not find it hard to control myself, and very satisfied with myself. These things can not be bought with money.

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