7 Tips For Fast Rise and Shine

1. Stretching
Stretch slowly, like doing yoga moves or rotating the body to the right and left. This movement will help the body to collect energy, and keep your mind focused. A sense of floating in the head that often occurs due to waking up too early disappeared.

2. Move
Once you are able to get out of bed, do some movement for blood circulation. Doing crunches (lying down with knees bent and raised his head, neck, and shoulder), push-ups, or jumping up and down light, is also quite helpful.

3. Avoid Too Much Caffeine
Caffeine can make you awake all day, but eat them in excess (more than two cups in the morning) can make you weak at midday. One cup is enough to make your energy levels stable.

4. Drink
When sleeping, your body uses stored water and therefore will lose fluids when you wake up. Rehydrating your body with a few glasses of cold water will not only refresh the body, but also helps stimulate your nervous system and digestive. Drink water before your body is filled with anything.

5. Make a Regular Schedule
Our body likes consistency. Following the sleep schedule and wake up the same every day will make the body more easily awakened in the morning. You will feel more energetic throughout the day.

6. Select Alarm With Soft Music
Anyone who would not like to wake to the sound of a deafening alarm. You also can increase the risk of heart attack, because a startled voice can worsen the condition of people with heart problems. Select the ringtone on phones that play soft music, that wakes you gradually. If necessary, place the phone a little further so you have to get up to turn it off.

7. Dim Light
Turn off the computer or TV an hour before you sleep. Bright light can distract you, so the brain is more difficult to break. By building a calmer atmosphere sleep, you can sleep more soundly, and the body adjusts itself to wake up earlier.

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