7 Ways to Save Indonesia From Downturn

The longer we move from the more mature independence of our country is in trouble. However, the signs of the more prosperous our country far from expectations. Rather than the more glorious, even the signs directing us to the danger. It is found in a variety of issues such as adultery polemic of this country, lie everywhere, riots, murders, and even humiliation everywhere. Here are 7 Ways to Save Indonesia From the downturn, namely:

1. Moral education
Model of education should touch all aspects of life and morals and morality-based. Without the foundation of morals, any high education will only be achieved by power-hungry human birth.

2. cleaning Aqeedah
Splash-splash stains on the majority population of Indonesia, should always be cleaned. Mainly of secular understanding, liberal and plural that encourages endless freedom in society.

3. Law Fair
Civilization will advance only when all people sit as low and stand equally before the law. Only with justice, humanity can shine with the light.

4. Work on Politics
In political opponents will never hurt you, but your friends can kill you. From now on we must change the dirty politics into a more humane, dignified and uphold high values​​.

5. Hostilities end
No more hostility and resentment then berbaikanlah. Be the first to apologize and forgive

6. Many of the Hearing slightly Talk
By learning to listen, then we also learn to understand others. And to understand others, we have attempted to create a better life for the future.

7. Be an Example
Be a role model, give examples and teach kindness to others, by doing good consistently.

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