7 Things That Will Happen In The Year 3000 AD

1. Decreased Human Age 5 Years

The more we often eat instant foods, and use of chemicals, the shorter our age, just look at the ancient people could live 100 centuries!, But it is likely that age the average man dies at age 40.

2. Up 4 meters altitude Sea

Global sea levels will rise at least 13 feet, or the equivalent of 3.96 meters, in 1000 years. Conclusions obtained after a number of experts examined a number of things. From the trend of sea level rise until the ice sheet in Antarctica. Experts says that sea level rise is caused by emissions of carbon dioxide continuously pumped into the atmosphere. Emissions that's what caused the collapse of the ice in West Antarctica, which is expected to occur around the year 3000. If that happens, then the volume of sea water rise, and might just be a disaster.In fact, "Antarctic ice sheet is likely to collapse more quickly. And the effect of inertia (humidity) climate change will actually be much worse," said Professor Shawn Marshall, lead researcher from the University of Calgary in Canada, was quoted by the Daily Mail VIVAnews , Tuesday, January 11, 2011. This latest study, which was published in the journal Nature Geoscience, is the first study to memprediski fate of Earth in 1000 years. Scientists use computer simulations to explore the scenario 'zero emission' which started in 2010 and 2100.In addition to the West Antarctic ice melt, at the same time, 30 percent in the north African desert turned into dry land. Warming seas are rising up to five percent trigger the collapse of West Antarctic ice sheet, covering an area roughly equal to the vast prairie in Canada. This study has not been completed. The scientists plan to continue this research to find out more when the West Antarctic ice is completely destroyed and melted.

3. Unstable Economy

In this age men are many, there must be rich and some poor, this could be a definite possibility, perhaps at that time the rich man will get richer until the offspring, perhaps also the poor get poorer people to offspring. how not? humans have a lot of this, a president of any country will be frazzled provide funds to communities who are less capable of a definite amount will be many at that time.

4. Ozone layer Meniipis

Because global warming is very bad now until the year 3000, the ozone layer is estimated to have been very thin in the year 3000. This resulted in the UV rays penetrate and affect the earth's temperature to be very high, estimated at 50-60s C. If you like this, tropical countries will be harmed and would avoid the 4 seasons summer. Not to mention the risk of flooding due to increased water evaporation.

5. Terrorist Rising

Tragic! Perhaps in that year more and more terrorists, because this disaat2 criminals getting smarter brain to revolt, we take an example only. America as a country that we think are great & large, have not been able to deal with terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, where two buildings in New York's sold-out hit by two planes filled timur2 terrorist origin, it does not bear responsibility casualties reached 3000 killed!. Plus an increasingly virtual world developed, who know there was a special website to register as a terrorist who could not be tracked by police networking, then yet again with orang2 who teach heresy to be a terrorist to disciple students, this becomes one of monitoring terrible.

6. Grave not miss out Land

If the soil / land already the world's population increasingly dense & dense, probably tombs will be bertingkat2 like building. This course will save the land because the cemetery was made stratified.

7. Increased Human Short 2 cm

Nowadays, what foods are still fresh? Most palingan also instant food, snack, etc.. food that may have been common with us, but it reduces the nutritional food, if we do this for generations, perhaps the body's children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren we will grow shorter. With so let us eat foods that are nutritious for our bodies strong and healthy.
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7 Proof Of Prophet Muhammad Marry Aisha At No Age 9 Years

Most Muslims answer that such marriages were accepted in society at that time. if not, people will object to the Holy Prophet's marriage with Aisyah.Bagaimanapun, explanations like this will be easy for people to deceive the naive in believing it. But, I am not quite satisfied with such explanations. Some of the hadith (traditions of the Prophet) that tells about the age of Aisha at the time of her marriage with the Prophet, hadith, hadith is very problematic. I will present some evidence against the delusion that told Hisham ibn `Urwa and to clear the name of the Prophet as an irresponsible parent who is marrying a plain girl was 7 years old. Here are 7 Evidence of the Prophet SAW Not Marry Aisha At age 9 years, namely:

1. Testing Against Sources Which Stating Prophet Marries Girl Age 9 Years

Most of the history that tells it who are all printed in the hadith narrated only by Hisham ibn `Urwa, who recorded on the authority of his father, which should be at least 2 or 3 people have noted similar hadiths. It is strange that nobody who bhw in Medina, where Hisham ibn `Urwa stayed, until the age of 71 years just told me this, besides the fact that there are many students at Medina including Malik ibn Anas famous reply, ill tell you this. The origin of this history is from the people of Iraq, where Hisham is living there & moved from Medina to Iraq pd old age.Tehzibu'l-Tehzib, one who is quite famous book that contains the records of the narrators of hadith, according to Yaqub ibn Shaibah noted: "Hisham sngt be believed, history is acceptable, except what-what did she tell after moving into Iraq" (Tehzi ' bu'l-tehzi'b, Ibn Hajar Al-`asqala'ni, Dar Ihya al-turath al-Islami, 15th century. Vol 11, p.50). In a further statement bhw lbh Malik ibn Anas Hisham reject words recorded history of the people of Iraq: "I've been told bhw Hisham Malik refuses words recorded history of the people of Iraq" (Tehzi'b u'l-tehzi'b, IbnHajar Al-`asqala'ni, Dar Ihya al-al-Islami turath, vol.11, p. 50). Mizanu'l-ai `tidal, another book that contains descriptions of life history transmitters of hadith pd Prophet recorded:" When the old, Hisham's memory suffered a setback reply striking "(Mizanu'l-ai` tidal, Al-Zahbi, Al-Maktabatu 'l-athriyyah, Sheikhupura, Pakistan, Vol. 4, p. 301).Conclusion:Based on these references, Hisham's memory is very bad & her history after moving to Iraq is not in believing, so that his history of the age of Aisha's marriage is not credible.Chronology:Important dates in Islamic historyPre-610 M: Ignorance (pre-Islamic era) before the revelation 610 M: drop the first revelation of Abu Bakr accepted Islam 613 AD: The Prophet Muhammad started teaching to the Society 615 M: Hijrah to Abyssinia. 616 M: Umar ibn al Khattab accepts Islam. 620 M: The Prophet said to Aisha woo 622 M: Migration to Yathrib, later renamed Medina 623/624 M: The Prophet said to be married with Aisha

2. Siti Aishah woo

According to Tabari (also according to Hisham ibn `Urwa Ibn Hunbal and Ibn Sad), Ayesha groom at the age of 7 years & began to settle down at the age of 9 years. But, on the other hand, Al-Tabari said: "All the children of Abu Bakr (4 people) were born during jahiliyahh from 2 wives" (Tarikhu'l-umam wa'l-mamlu'k, Al-Tabari (Died 922), Vol. 4, p. 50, Arabic, Dara'l-fikr, Beirut, 1979). If the groom 620M Ayesha (Ayesha age 7 years) & menage year 623/624 AD (age 9 years), this indicates that Ayesha was born AD 613 pd So based on the writings of Al-Tabari, Aisha should have been born pd 613M, ie 3 years after the period ended Jahiliyahh (610 M). Tabari also states that Ayesha was born at the time of Ignorance. if Ayesha was born in the era of Ignorance, Aisha should have at least 14 years old when the marriage. But his core Tabari has contradiction in its tranmission.Conclusion: Al-Tabari not reliable on the age of Aisha when she was married.

3. Age Aisha If Linked With Age Fatimah

According to Ibn Hajar, "Fatima was born when the Ka` bah was rebuilt, when the Prophet was 35 years old ... Fatimah 5 years older than Ayesha "(Al-isabah fi-sahabah tamyizi'l, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Vol. 4, p. 377, Maktabatu'l-Riyadh al-Haditha, al-Riyadh, 1978). If Ibn Hajar is a factual statement, it means that Ayesha was born when the Prophet was 40 years old. if the Prophet married Aisha at the age of 52 years of the Prophet, then the age of Aisha when she married is 12 years old.CONCLUSION: Ibn Hajar, Tabari, Ibn Hisham, Ibn & Humbal contradiction with each other. But it was evident that the history of the age of 7 years married Ayesha is a myth without foundation.

4. Aisha's Age Calculated From Age Asthma

According to Rahman ibn-abi Abda'l zanna'd: "Asma 10 years older than Ayesha (Siyar A` la'ma'l-nubala ', Al-Zahabi, Vol. 2, p. 289, Arabic, Mu'assasatu 'l-treatise, Beirut, 1992).According to Ibn Kathir: "Asma 10 years older than her sister [Ayesha]" (Al-Bidayah wa'l-Nihayah, Ibn Kathir, Vol. 8, p. 371, Dar al-`Arabi al-fikr, Al-jizah, 1933). According to Ibn Kathir: "Asma saw the murder of his son in the year 73 AH, & Asma died five days later. According to the history of others, he died 10 or 20 days later, or a few days more than 20 days, or 100 days later. History of the most strong is 100 days later. at the time of Asthma Death, he was aged 100 years "(Al-Bidayah wa'l-Nihayah, Ibn Kathir, Vol. 8, p. 372, Dar al-` Arabi al-fikr, Al-jizah, 1933).According to Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani: "Asthma & live to be 100 years old died at 73 or 74 H." (Taqribu'l-tehzib, Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, p. 654, Arabic, Chapter fi'l-Nisa ', al-harfu'l-alif, Lucknow).According to most of the historians, Asma, eldest brother of Aisha disputing the age of 10 years. if Asma died aged 100 years pd him 73 years H, asthma should be aged 27 or 28 years old when he migrated 622M). (100-73 = 27)If Asma was 27 or 28 years when the hijra (when Aisha married), Ayesha should be aged 17 or 18 years. Thus, Ayesha, aged 17 or 18 years when it moved in the year in which Aisha married. Based on Hajar, Ibn outrigger, and Abda'l-Rahman ibn abi zanna'd, Aisha's age when she married the Prophet was 19 or 20 years. In Exhibit # 3, Ibn Hajar estimate the age of 12 years & Aisha in Exhibit # 4 Ibn Hajar himself contradicts his own with his statement Aisha age 17 or 18 years. So where the correct age? 12 or 18?CONCLUSION: Ibn Hajar is not valid in the age of Aisha transmission.

5. Battle of Badr and Uhud

A history regarding Ayesha's participation in the war of Badr out in the Muslim hadith, (Kitabu'l-jihad wa'l-siyar, Chapter karahiyati'l-Isti `anah fi'l-ghazwi bikafir). Aisha, as she told one important moment in transit during the battle of Badr, said: "when we reach Shajarah". From this statement seems obvious, Aisha is a member of the journey to Badr. A history of participation in Uhud Aisha recorded in Bukhari (Kitabu'l-jihad wa'l-siyar, Chapter Ghazwi'l-nisa 'wa `qitalihinnama a'lrijal):" Anas noted that on the day of Uhud, people could not stood by the Prophet. [on that day,] I saw Ayesha & Umm-i-Sulaim from afar, they roll up his few clothes [to prevent the obstruction of movement within the trip]. "Again, this shows that Aisha joined be in a battle of Uhud & Badar.Di riwayatkan by Bukhari (Kitabu'l-Maghazi, Chapter Ghazwati'l-Trench wa-ahza'b hiya'l): "Ibn` Umar states that Messenger does not allow himself berpastisispasi in Uhud, at the time, Ibn Umar was 14 years old. But when the war Trench, when he was 15 years old, the Prophet allowed Ibn 'Umar took part in the war. " Based on the history of the above, (a) children under the age of 15 years will be sent home & not allowed to participate in war, & (b) Ayesha participated in the Battle of Badr & UhudConclusion: Ayesha participated in the battle of Badr & Uhud clearly indicates that he was ill when it was 9 years old, but at least 15 years old. In addition, the women who accompany the men in the war should serve to help, not to add burden to them. This is another evidence of the contradictions of the age of Aisha's marriage.
6. Surat al-Qamar (Moon)

According to some narratives, Ayesha was born in the eighth before the Hegira. But according to other sources in Bukhari, Aisha was recorded saying this: I am a young girl (jariyah in Arabic) when Surah Al-Qamar revealed (Sahih Bukhari, Kitabu'l-Tafseer, Chapter Qaulihi Bal `atu al-sa` Maw iduhum wa'l-sa `atu adha 'wa amarr).Letter 54 of the Quran to be revealed in the eighth before the AH (The Bounteous Koran, MM Khatib, 1985), indicates that the letter is written down in the year 614 AD If Ayesha started household with Prophet at the age of 9 in the year 623 AD or 624 AD, Aisha still newborns (sibyah in Arabic) at the time Surah Al-Qamar was revealed. Based on the story above, it actually appears that Aisha was a young girl, not a newborn when the revelation of Al-Qamar. Jariyah means young girl who still loves to play (Lane's Arabic Lexicon Classic). Thus, Ayesha, has become jariyah not sibyah (baby), so it has been aged 6-13 years old at the time of descent surah Al-Qamar, and therefore it is definitely dinikah aged 14-21 years old when the Prophet.Conclusion: This narration is also a history of marriage mengkontra 9-year-old Aisha.

7. Arabic terminology

According to the history of Ahmad ibn Hanbal, after the death of the Prophet's first wife, Khadija, Khaulah came to the Prophet and the Prophet advised to remarry, the Prophet asked him about the choices they have in mind Khaulah. Khaulah said: "You can marry a girl (bikr) or a woman who never married (thayyib)". When the Prophet inquired about the identity of the girl (bikr), Khaulah mentioned Ayesha's name. For people who understand Arabic will soon see that bikr word in Arabic is not used for a young girl aged 9 years.Right word for a young girl who still likes to play is, as stated upfront, is jariyah. Bikr other hand, is used for a woman who is not married and do not have experience with wedding engagement, as we understand it in English "virgin". Therefore, it seems clear that a young girl of 9 years is not a "woman" (bikr) (Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Vol. 6, p. .210, Arabic, Dar Ihya al-Arabi al-`turath, Beirut). Conclusion: The literal meaning of the word, bikr (girl), in the above hadith is "adult woman who has not had a sexual experience in marriage." Therefore, Ayesha was an adult woman at the time of her marriage.

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7 Sentences Conditioning Pearl Heart

1. Do not be attracted to someone because of his face, because the beauty of sandstone can be misleading. Do not also attracted to his wealth, because wealth can be destroyed. Attracted to someone who makes you smile, because only a smile that can make a dark day brightened. May you find people like that.

2. There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that I wanted to pick them up from your dreams and hug them. Hope you dream of people like that.

3. Dream what you want to dream, go to the places you want to go, be what you want, because you only have one life and one chance to do the things you want to do.

4. Hopefully you get enough happiness to make you good-hearted, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to make you human, enough hope to make you happy and enough money to buy gifts.

5. When one door of happiness is closed, another door opened. But often we stare too long at the closed door so as not to see another door that opened to us.

6. Best friend is one who can sit swinging on the porch with you, without saying a word, and then you're left with the feeling of having a long conversation with him.

7. It's true that we do not know what we owned until we lose it, but it's also true that we do not know what we've been missing until it arrives.
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7 Tips For Fast Rise and Shine

1. Stretching
Stretch slowly, like doing yoga moves or rotating the body to the right and left. This movement will help the body to collect energy, and keep your mind focused. A sense of floating in the head that often occurs due to waking up too early disappeared.

2. Move
Once you are able to get out of bed, do some movement for blood circulation. Doing crunches (lying down with knees bent and raised his head, neck, and shoulder), push-ups, or jumping up and down light, is also quite helpful.

3. Avoid Too Much Caffeine
Caffeine can make you awake all day, but eat them in excess (more than two cups in the morning) can make you weak at midday. One cup is enough to make your energy levels stable.

4. Drink
When sleeping, your body uses stored water and therefore will lose fluids when you wake up. Rehydrating your body with a few glasses of cold water will not only refresh the body, but also helps stimulate your nervous system and digestive. Drink water before your body is filled with anything.

5. Make a Regular Schedule
Our body likes consistency. Following the sleep schedule and wake up the same every day will make the body more easily awakened in the morning. You will feel more energetic throughout the day.

6. Select Alarm With Soft Music
Anyone who would not like to wake to the sound of a deafening alarm. You also can increase the risk of heart attack, because a startled voice can worsen the condition of people with heart problems. Select the ringtone on phones that play soft music, that wakes you gradually. If necessary, place the phone a little further so you have to get up to turn it off.

7. Dim Light
Turn off the computer or TV an hour before you sleep. Bright light can distract you, so the brain is more difficult to break. By building a calmer atmosphere sleep, you can sleep more soundly, and the body adjusts itself to wake up earlier.

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7 Most Beautiful Women's Soccer Players

Football is not just a game of Adam only, the Eve also took part in the game of football. Here are 7 Players Most Beautiful Women's Soccer, football players sexy woman who has a predicate, namely:

1. Leslie Osborne

Leslie Osborne is a defender for a professional women's soccer club Boston Breakers. He is also a member of the U.S. national team.

2. Anouk Hoogendijk
Beautiful blond girl and did not have any abilities? Anouk Hoogendijk prove you wrong! He played for the Dutch national team at age 19 years and now, at the age of 26 years, he played for the Dutch team, FC Utrecht.

3. Tina DiMartino 

 Tina DiMartino is very special. In college at UCLA, he was the only first-degree child who played in all 26 games for the Bruins, scoring five goals. Creativity in the field are often praised and he was also known as the best striker in the league women's college. He currently plays for the U.S. national team.

4. Jessica Landstrom 

You can call Jessica Landstrom as Henrik Larsson was the Swedish women's soccer. He was as high as 1.8 meters, scoring the first goal for the Swedish national team in the first game at the age of 23 years, beautiful and talented!
5. Sylvia Arnold
At the age of 21, Sylvia Arnold had an amazing achievement. He became part of German U-20 national team, and amazed at the U-20 World Cup in 2010 that promoted into the senior national team. The most fun: he had a twin, as beautiful, and just as talented!
6. Amy Rodriguez
Before Amy Rodriguez dominated the international women's professional league, he entered the U.S. national team at the age of 18. Amy's two-time All-American players and Gatorade this year at the college.
7. Rachel Unitt 
Rachel Unitt is often referred to as Britain's most popular football player, and easy to see why. He is a beautiful British athletes, talented, never finished the Nationwide International Player of the Year in the FA Women's Football Awards 2004, and won again in 2006. 

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7 Advantages Of Microsoft Windows 7 What Not There In XP And Vista

Some of us may already have (OS) from Microsoft's newest operating system, but be careful Have we realized that one OS is different from the version of Microsoft's previous output. The failure of Microsoft on Vista seems to be a lesson for the latest release is not experiencing the same thing and more successful than the record of spectacular success of Windows XP.
Microsoft has claimed that Windows is an operating system that is designed to suit the tastes of users who want a computer that is simple and convenient, but can work with a fast, lightweight, no fuss, a little click, easy to use and uncomplicated. Here are the benefits of Windows 7 which is claimed by the successor to Microsoft's new boss Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, namely:

1. Finding Files Quickly
To find the file is not too difficult and does not require a long time. How just click on the start menu and type in the search box what will be sought. Once open, select what you want and quickly be realized.

2. Viewing All Window With Easy
At a time when many windows open, sometimes we confuse the name or contents. Windows 7 to help you see easily with just a peek of the taskbar. The trick with floating-layankan cursor over the icons of open windows. Going to look the name of the icon and the program. Hover over the preview again to see the whole screen. Click to connect deangan window that you want to see.

3. Stealth peek your Desktop
Often we have to close the window one by one to see the desktop. Aero Peek feature enables you to peek at the desktop without touching the window. How to cast your cursor over a square box on the bottom right corner. Click above to minimize all open windows. When the desktop screen opens, click nagi to show again.

4. Finding What Desired With Very Easy
Jump Lists in Windows 7 helps you find files, songs, pictures, or other documents in the desktop quickly. This reduces the wasted time you find a document which operated yesterday. This feature is no start menu and taskbar. With one click, you can view websites that are often used in Internet Explorer 8. You can drag and remove a file from the Jump List.

5. Comparing the second window for Each Other
Snap Feature to help us look back at the window with a better and easier to compare two documents to each other. Carannya by pulling a window to one side of the screen. When the mouse pointer to the other side, the window will snap half of the screen. To extend it vertically, drag the border to the edge of the screen. When the mouse pointer on the edge, the window will snap to the full vertical.

6. One Click Can All
With the pin feature, you can access the taskbar with one click. Hover the cursor over your favorite program and drag it to the taskbar. Or right click on it and select "pin" in the Taskbar. Your program will be a pin. To open, click on the Taskbar icon. You can open the pin with the other programs at the time.

7. Set-up Wireless With Easy
With Windows 7 wireless set-up much easier. You can add others, including network printers and digital media players. You do this by launching the wizard "Add a Device" and then type the location of the pin on mobile devices.
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7 Health Benefits For Ants Nest

Ants Nest has been empirically shown to meyembuhkan various mild and severe disease, like cancer and tumors, gout, coronary heart disease, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, migraines, arthritis and leukemia. Regarding the mechanism of action of the active compound content of ant nests in treating these diseases is still necessary to study further. Some diseases can be cured and the possibility of active compounds that contribute to conquer the disease are described. Here are 7 Health Benefits For Ants Nest, namely:

1. Cancer and Tumors
The types of cancer and tumors, both benign and malignant, which can be cured with ant nest is brain cancer, nose cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, and cancer blood (leukemia), except for cancers of the throat and oral cavity.Ability ant nest empirically for the treatment of various types of cancer / tumor is allegedly related to the content of flavonoids. There are several mechanisms of flavonoid in combating tumors / cancer, such as inactivation of carcinogens, antiproliferasi, inhibition of cell cycle, induction of apoptosis and differentiation, angiogenesis inhibition, and reversal of multi-drug resistance or a combination of these mechanisms.

2. Cardiac disorders, especially coronary heart
Up to now the mechanism is unclear, but the ability of ant nests for the treatment of various diseases / disorders of heart have anything to do with multi-mineral content of ant nests, particularly calcium and potassium.

3. Nor Mild Stroke Weight
Treatment of stroke is strongly associated with the possibility of multi-mineral content contained in ant nests.

4. Piles (Hemorrhoids)
Ability ant nest treatment for hemorrhoids (piles) associated with the flavonoid and high taninnya. Both classes of these compounds in several studies had been shown to treat hemorrhoids.

5. Lump-Lump In Breast
The meaning of lumps in the breast is not a tumor swelling (non-neoplastic). Allegedly healing mechanisms similar to the case of tumors and cancer, by relying on the ability of the flavonoid contained in ant nests.

6. Kidney Function and Prostate Disorders
Mechanism of impaired renal function and treatment of prostate probably something to do with the content of antioxidants (flavonoids and tocopherol) and multi-minerals that exist in the ant nest.

7. Menstruation And Whitish
The process of treatment for vaginal discharge and menstrual launch something to do with the content of flavonoids, tannins, and multi-minerals, especially calcium and zinc.
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7 Ranked World's Best Antivirus On 2011

Antivirus is an antidote or vaccine virus from a nasty virus that would destroy our computers, and therefore for those of you who still use the Operating System (OS) Microsoft Windows is required to use antivirus, so that your computer is not susceptible to interference from malicious computer virus attacks. In this world there are many kinds of antivirus from Indonesia as well as domestically made ​​abroad. Here are 7 Ranked World's Best Antivirus in 2011, namely:

1. Bitdefender Antivirus 

Specification and Price: 
  1. Threat Detection: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Malware, Rootkit.
  2. Additional Protection: Browser exploit, OS exploit, Keyloggers, inbound email protection, outbond email protection, instant messaging protection, p2p/file sharing, registry startup protection, dialers, backdoors, hackers, phising, identity theft protection, adware, activex, vulnerabilities, cookies, scripts, full web protection, auto usb detect.
  3. Protection Technology: Virus signatures, whitelisting, heuristic, real time.
  4. Supported OS: XP (32 & 64 bit), Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
  5. Price: $ 29.95 
2. Kaspersky Antivirus

Specification and Price: 
  1. Threat Detection: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Malware, Rootkit.
  2. Additional Protection: Browser exploit, OS exploit, Keyloggers, inbound email protection, outbond email protection, instant messaging protection, p2p/file sharing, registry startup protection, dialers, backdoors, hackers, phising, identity theft protection, adware, activex, vulnerabilities, cookies, scripts, full web protection, auto usb detect.
  3. Protection Technology: Virus signatures, blacklisting, whitelisting, heuristic, real time, security network.
  4. Supported OS: XP (32 & 64 bit), Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
  5. Price: $ 59.95 
3. Webroot Antivirus

Specification and Price:
  1. Threat Detection: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Malware, Rootkit.
  2. Additional Protection: Browser exploit, OS exploit, Keyloggers, inbound email protection, outbond email protection, instant messaging protection, p2p/file sharing, registry startup protection, dialers, hackers, identity theft protection, adware, activex, cookies, scripts, spam.
  3. Protection Technology: Virus signatures, blacklisting, whitelisting, heuristic, real time, security network.
  4. Supported OS: XP (32 bit), Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
  5. Price: $ 29.95.
4. Norton Antivirus 

Specification and Price: 
  1. Threat Detection: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Malware, Rootkit.
  2. Additional Protection: Browser exploit, OS exploit, inbound email protection, outbond email protection, instant messaging protection, registry startup protection, dialers, backdoors, hackers, identity theft protection, adware, activex, vulnerabilities, scripts, full web protection, auto usb detect.
  3. Protection Technology: Virus signatures, blacklisting, whitelisting, heuristic, real time, security network.
  4. Supported OS: XP (32 bit), Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
  5. Price: $ 39.99 
5. ESET Nod32 Antivirus

Specification and Price: 
  1. Threat Detection: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Malware, Rootkit. 
  2. Additional Protection: Keyloggers, inbound email protection, outbond email protection, registry startup protection, dialers, backdoors, adware, activex, vulnerabilities, scripts, full web protection, auto usb detect.
  3. Protection Technology: Virus signatures, blacklisting, whitelisting, heuristic, real time, security network.
  4. Supported OS: XP (32 & 64 bit), Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
  5. Price: $ 39.99

6. AVG Antivirus

Specification and Price: 
  1. Threat Detection: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Malware, Rootkit.
  2. Additional Protection: Browser exploit, OS exploit, Keyloggers, inbound email protection, outbond email protection, instant messaging protection, p2p/ file sharing protection, registry startup protection, dialers, backdoors, hackers, phising, identity theft protection, adware, activex, vulnerabilities, cookies, scripts, full web protection, spam, auto usb detect.
  3. Protection Technology: Virus signatures, blacklisting, whitelisting, heuristic, real time, security network.
  4. Supported OS: XP (32 & 64 bit), Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
  5. Price: $ 34.99 
7. G Data Antivirus 

Specification and Price:
  1. Threat Detection: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Malware, Rootkit.
  2. Additional Protection: Browser exploit, OS exploit, inbound email protection, outbond email protection, instant messaging protection, registry startup protection, dialers, backdoors, hackers, phising, identity theft protection, adware, scripts, full web protection.
  3. Protection Technology: Virus signatures, blacklisting, whitelisting, heuristic, security network.
  4. Supported OS: XP (32 & 64 bit), Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
  5. Price: $ 29.95

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7 Ways to Save Indonesia From Downturn

The longer we move from the more mature independence of our country is in trouble. However, the signs of the more prosperous our country far from expectations. Rather than the more glorious, even the signs directing us to the danger. It is found in a variety of issues such as adultery polemic of this country, lie everywhere, riots, murders, and even humiliation everywhere. Here are 7 Ways to Save Indonesia From the downturn, namely:

1. Moral education
Model of education should touch all aspects of life and morals and morality-based. Without the foundation of morals, any high education will only be achieved by power-hungry human birth.

2. cleaning Aqeedah
Splash-splash stains on the majority population of Indonesia, should always be cleaned. Mainly of secular understanding, liberal and plural that encourages endless freedom in society.

3. Law Fair
Civilization will advance only when all people sit as low and stand equally before the law. Only with justice, humanity can shine with the light.

4. Work on Politics
In political opponents will never hurt you, but your friends can kill you. From now on we must change the dirty politics into a more humane, dignified and uphold high values​​.

5. Hostilities end
No more hostility and resentment then berbaikanlah. Be the first to apologize and forgive

6. Many of the Hearing slightly Talk
By learning to listen, then we also learn to understand others. And to understand others, we have attempted to create a better life for the future.

7. Be an Example
Be a role model, give examples and teach kindness to others, by doing good consistently.

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