7 Section Body Water and Its Influence To which

Water is the main component in the human body, even about 55 percent of our body weight is water. Without water no living thing may grow and develop as water is vital for the body's chemical reactions. Water should be consumed every day because the body can not make it. To determine the role of water in our bodies, consider what effect the water. Here are 7 Sections Water Body and Its Influence To which, namely:

1. Brain
The body is well hydrated will make your memory sharper, stable mood and better motivation. If sufficient water in the body good, our ability to solve problems will also increase. The scientists say water shortages will cause the flow of oxygen to the brain area is reduced so that the nerve cells to shrink temporarily. No wonder the people who thirst is usually difficult to concentrate.

2. Mouth
Water will keep the throat and lips more moist and keep the mouth dryness. Conditions that dry mouth can lead to bad breath and bad taste, even cavities.

3. Heart
Dehydration will cause a decrease in blood volume so that the heart will work harder to pump blood to the cells are not starved of oxygen. As a result of light physical activity such as climbing stairs or running will feel more tiring.

4. Blood Circulation
Issuing body heat by expanding blood vessels near the skin surface so that the blood flow faster and more heat is released. When we are dehydrated, it takes a higher ambient temperature in order to widen blood vessels so that we will remain hot.

5. Muscle
When the adequacy of fluid are met, the water inside and outside contracts the muscle cells that function to provide adequate nutrition and disposal process takes place efficiently so that the body will be good performance. Water is also important to lubricate the joints. However, muscle cramps are not associated with dehydration but due to muscle fatigue.

6. Skin
If someone is suffering from severe dehydration, the skin becomes less elastic. This condition is different from dry skin, which is usually caused because the chemicals in soap, hot water or exposed to dry air. Unfortunately, drinking enough water will not prevent wrinkles.

7. Kidney
Kidneys need liquid to filter "junk" from the blood circulation and get rid of the urine. Adequacy of fluid will also help prevent urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Severe dehydration will cause the kidneys stop functioning, so that the toxin or toxins accumulate in the body.

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