7 The Bad Effects Brought About Facebook

Since created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook social networking site repeatedly "blamed" on various issues. Start of the destruction of marriage, obesity in children, up by Professor Peter Kelly, head of public health in Teesside, England, revealed that Facebook plays a role in the spread of syphilis. In addition to these three things, many other effects of Facebook which is bad. Here's The Bad Effects 7 Brought up, namely:

1. Triggering Divorce
Lawyers blame Facebook for one in five online divorce petitions. Sites that can bring together old friends and make the user can talk to each other through chat applications, called as the background increased destruction of marriage and the temptation for cheating.

2. Triggering Child Suicide
Head of Catholic Church in England and Wales, Archbishop Vincent Nichols, warned that Facebook could encourage young people have the view that friendship is a commodity. It can trigger the desire to commit suicide, when the relationship is not running anymore.

3. Eliminate Traditional Expression
The survey, conducted a market research firm in 4,000 people under 30 years of age, revealed that many traditional expressions that are no longer disclosed as Facebook.

4. Triggering Bone Disorders
Facebook is also often blamed for the bone disorder that occurs in children. Research in the British Medical Journal found that social networking sites and computer games, a precursor to vitamin D deficiency diseases such as the effect of which can make bones fragile.

5. Making People Be Closed
Research from Mintel, a market research company, found more than half of adults who use social networking sites like Facebook, more than spending time on the internet talking to friends or other family members.

6. Creating a Jealous Pet
The team of researchers from the University of Guelph, Canada, found that use of Facebook increases your partner's jealousy. They found that the more one spends time online on social networking sites and see their partner, then the level of suspicion is very high.

7. The event made Challenging Law
In some cases the law in England, Facebook, used as a platform to challenge the law. Parties which lodged the case law created a group, whose name is very provocative and against the law.

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