7 Fastest Ways To Overcome Stress

Here are 7 Fastest Ways To Overcome Stress, namely:

1. Cursing (1 Seconds)
Researchers at the University of East Angelia England Norwich assess the capabilities and found that using swear words may reduce stress and increase familiarity between co-workers (Bajingan! Dog!). Best of luck.

2. Consumption of Fish Oil (5 Seconds)
According to research from the University of Pittsburgh, people have the content of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids in the blood are highest, are happier, less impulsive, and more fun. Try fish oil as a daily supplement containing 400 mg EPA and 400 mg DHA.

3. Eat Dark Chocolate (10 Seconds)
According to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, suggests that flavonoids in cocoa beans can make blood vessels relax. Find low fat dark chocolate that has more to relieve stress favonoid than milk chocolate.

4. Lean Back (30 Seconds)
Forget the advice you menyerankan sit upright to relieve tension on punggug. Researchers at the University of Alberta Hospital in Canada found that sitting by leaning back with a slope of 135 degrees is the best sitting position to reduce back pain.

5. Add Garlic (1 Minute)
Researchers at the University of Birmingham Alabamadi sure have found the reason why garlic is good for heart health, and in dlam study they found the power of garlic to combat stress as well. When you digest organsulfur allicin, the main component in garlic, your body produces hydrogen sulfide, which will make blood vessels relax danmeningkatkan blood flow.

6. Brewed Tea (3 minutes)
In a study at University College in London, 75% of men given tea before completing the task is loaded with stress. Once the task is completed, it turns out kadarkortisol them down to an average of 47%, lower than men who did not drink before the test that kortisolnya fell by 27%.

7. Watching Youtube Or Short Film For Interludes (5 Minutes)
Meurut the researcher at the Université Linda, California, laughter can reduce stress-related hormones such as dopac (38%). cortisol (39%), and epinephrine (70%). And when researchers at the University of Maryland memertontonkan short film pieces to the participants, it turns out they are watching a funny movie increased blood flow to their heart as much as 22%.

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