7 Things First Look Men From Women

Perhaps you are unaware, when he met a woman, she not only looked at her face. But also, watching every detail starting from the appearance, attitude to the items that you carry in the bag. Do not think men are not good at judging women. There are several things into consideration in determining whether the woman he is attracted to him or not. Here are 7 Things First Look Men From Women, namely:

1. Beautiful Hair
The hair is shiny, smooth look, fluffy and fragrant will immediately attract the attention of men. It does not matter if he thought your face pretty or not, the view he would be distracted when he saw the figure of a beautiful blond woman; both seen from the side or rear. So, if you want a guy notice you, be diligent to treat the hair.

2. Good Posture
Women who walked with his head, back and chest upright, will be directly 'seen' in the crowd. This posture shows that he believes himself, comfortable and sexy. As if to say to the men, 'Hey, I know a woman who deserves you more close!'. A good posture is one thing that immediately noticed a man from woman. While the woman's body is bent and head bowed, will be less impressive he's someone who looks like a passion for life and put much weight on his shoulders. So, practice your posture from now!

3. His friends
Believe it or not, he also noticed a woman the way he befriended. What looks like his friends, was a big enough impact on first impression he made. In some cases, a woman who was friends with a collection of people who are fussy, whiny, rude or abusive, then there is a chance that he would see the woman also had a nature like his friends. Meanwhile, if the woman was among those who like to laugh, joke and discuss items of interest, then he will consider him as it is personal and compassionate.

4. Lip
Why are the lips? Because of this one body part is a symbol of sensuality. Additionally, kiss lips have been proven to be one of the best ways to relieve stress. So, not surprisingly, one of the first note of the woman is man's lips. The lips that look healthy (not dry and cracked) and not a natural blush, most preferably male.

5. Carriage of Goods
Bags and objects in it, can tell a lot about someone's personality. Not that he had to rummage through the contents of your bag to know there is anything in it, but to notice what you spend, or just a little peek at the contents of the bag when you open it, is enough to make it a tendency to imagine the nature of women.
Women who carry large cosmetic bag with full contents of the make-up and equipment, regarded man as a person who is keeping up appearances. While the women who keep a book or novel, he had a personal characteristic calm in his eyes. It is not always right, but there is a correlation between the goods and trends of the properties owners.

6. Smile
A smile is the easiest way to get acquainted and get closer to someone. Show your sincere smile without artificial or forced. Believe it or not, some men could see yourself through originality sweet smile.

7. High Heels
Women who wear high heels, is one thing that immediately noticed the man. High heels can make a person look sexy, strong and courageous. You do not have to every day wear, just wear during special events, such as at a formal party or wedding reception. You do not know, when it will meet an attractive man?

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