7 Best Techniques Kissing Women Breast

Breast identical femininity as sexual attention of the adam. While the shape and characteristics of a woman's breasts vary, but it still did not reduce the focus and satisfaction of men to look at, touching, and kissing the sensitive parts.
In fact, an experience says some women can reach a climax with just foreplay breast. Now, it's time you learn the best techniques to kiss her breasts mahadahsyat capable of delivering stimulation to all parts of his body, as reviewed eHow. Here are 7 Best Techniques for Women Kissing Breasts, namely:

1. First of all, the couple kissed the outside of the breast. Make sure you have moist lips while doing so.

2. Kissed her breasts while slowly directing his lips as close as possible to the nipple. Exhale just above your nipple, so that he can feel the warmth of your breath.

3. Use the tip of the tongue to encircle areolanya. Remember to give equal attention between right and left breast.

4. Tickling her nipples using the tip of your tongue. Make sure he's enjoying the game of your tongue. If he sighs or sudden climax, it means he likes your kiss.

5. When you feel the nipples have been tense, point and stick your tongue into her nipples, while moving the tip of the tongue up and down her nipples. Then, gently insert the nipple into your mouth. Suction while playing with the tip of your tongue.

6. Squeeze the breast meat while you're busy playing with their nipples. Do not forget to stimulate the area under and between her breasts.

7. Let your nipples wet, when you switch to the other breast. Then when you are sucking nipples, do pinch exasperation and touching her breasts.

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