7 Reasons Why Girls Strong Affair

Why can girls cheating? instead of the toy cowo cheating? Indeed, according to one study, only 14% of wives cheating, if compared to the husbands who reached 22%. But really what's the cause? we try clay atu2 deh. Here are 7 Reasons Why a Strong Girl cheating, namely:

1. Less Sex 

Its still early days, no responsibilities, no anak2, main2 wrote fun, and sex is also fun, but with the existence of these things, sometimes even more important to sleep eventually. Remember! Women want to feel adored. So if you do not make your wife feel wanted, he would try to find where he wants! So, try to keep them both out, send email or SMS that made him always feel that you miss, the point is, do not leave kisses, hugs and sex of your life!

2. Want To Be Naughton 

Sometimes we also want to bad right? nah, as well as women. They also sometimes have the same encouragement as cowo. Sometimes this occurs due to major changes, such as weight loss besar2an, new jobs, middle-aged crisis, etc.. Overcome this by all lines of communication remain open, and still keep him more willing to confide to you than to others.

3. Self-Esteem.

Sex is a supporter of a strong and fast, which will encourage self-esteem of women, she feels more sexy, more beautiful and more loved. If your wife had a problem like this, he would not necessarily cheating, but, you can help by paying attention, and give praise, asked a variety of things, senggak2nya made her queen in your heart!

4. Vengeance

Quote you are not cheating, but maybe your pension fund two of you wasting sia2 at the gambling table, or you boong gila2an. You must destroy trust your wife (and also your heart). Your wife will feel hurt and dikianati, and your wife wanted to retaliate and hurt you like you hurt. To prevent this, do not cuman say 'sorry', show! Remember! Real talk more action!

5. Less Intimate 

You have all, big house, a garage full of cars, saving ndak abis-abis. But, it's all just the exterior, inside your relationship with your wife about one of the most important: proximity! Not the sex that always makes you both feel connected, touch, kiss, hug, and communication. Women really need this, and if you do not give it, he can look at other tempet you know! How to increase intimacy or closeness you both? More often both, massage her feet, a romantic dinner, give what women want to feel the unity and closeness.

6. Feeling Not Considered, Dicuekin or unappreciated

 Remember, your wife holds a lot of tasks at home, rapi2, cooking, shopping, watch your kids, a lot. When your wife starts to feel that he is more like a servant, rather than be a wife, it is only natural if he wrote bisa2 run. Especially because of your hobbies such as golf deh, and far more frequently in the field than at home, what's wrong if your wife seek attention elsewhere? Not that you continue ninggalin job, trying to help your wife to share household tasks.

7. Withdrawal In Emotion 

Women are emotional creatures. They need support not only physically but also emotionally. Once you step back from the relationship, they will see a sign that this relationship is over. So technically, she is not cheating, but he took a step forward in her life. So, avoid this problem, always trying to exist in the relationships that exist. True, you

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