7 The Habits Unpopular Boys Girls

Refrehsing bit of activity discussing the somewhat heavy, this time ON THE SPOT Blog Today will share seven habits of a girl who was not liked by the boys, for girl taken from datingtips.com perhatiin-baek baek: p. Here's 7 Habits Girls The Unpopular Guy, namely:

1. Drunk
Men do not consider a woman who is drunk is sexy.

2. Discussing Health Issues
Save the story of your menstrual problems and obesity because it makes them uncomfortable.

3. He branded the All That Bad
Hear bad comments about all the bad men in your life, only makes his ears hurt.

4. Too Sovereign
Women can indeed earn more than men. But your behavior in the office that tends to bossy, should be avoided when dealing with a man. She felt uncomfortable and women who demonstrate "power" does not interest him.

5. Talking Former Lover
Bygones, let it pass. Avoid comparing now with the former spouse.

6. Talking More About Yourself
Do you realize, women do talk more than men and the contents of his conversation is often about itself. Naturally, if the talks carried out with female friends, but not with men. Try to let him speak and indicate your interest in the conversation.

7. Asking Too Much
Dating does not equal a job interview. Instead, lines of communication both ways.

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