7 Tips For Safe Strategies When Twitter's

In addition to Facebook, Twitter is a 'container' that is almost completely open and risky attack. For that security in ngetweet must stay awake so that your account is not compromised a hacker and you are also not easy to get caught in a trap criminals. Here it is the tips. Here are 7 Tips For Safe Strategies When Twitteran, namely:

1. Be Skeptical 

Twitter does have a 'cap' Verified Accounts for a number of celebrities ataupublic figure, but not then you can simply to follow those who have been 'branded'. Why? No one can escape from piracy, was also the accounts. So before you decide to follow him, first check carefully and make sure the tweet-tweetnya not spam. Hackers usually hijacked accounts to spread spam and scams as well as links that lead to malware sites so that your personal data could be stolen. Be careful also to the link on Twitter, especially the link provided via Direct Messages (DM). Although the message was coming from account people you know, but it must not ngeklik.

2. Login Only On Twitter.com 

Twitter is very open to developers or third parties. Previously, the penguna Twitter can easily log on third party sites without going through the official website Twitter.com. This makes the user vulnerable to cyber crime because they are so easily enter the login data to the sites 'foreign'. Luckily, now Twitter has changed its policy in which the user must go through a process called OAuth before finally connected to the intended application directly.

3. Use a Strong Password 

Use different passwords for each account. Passwords must be made with the complex, using a combination of letters and numbers. Prevent browser to megingat your password and if possible, every few months you should change the password. These steps will avoid aksihacking.

4. Use Software That Mumpuni 

Make sure your Internet security software is equipped with a system update. When you open the link, do not easily believe in a site that tries to install any software on your PC, or an offer to scan malware. Immediately take the cleaning step if you realize that there is a new program that installed itself on your device.

5. Keep the Stay Clean Your Account 

Once the user allows an application to access their account, then access will be kept open until the user turned it off. This could be potentially a security hole and it was likely the owner of the application can open your DM. So be diligent audit your account. Click 'Settings' then 'Connections'. Select 'REVOKE Access' on all the applications you do not wear. Next time, avoid evil connected with the application by clicking searchuntuk name of the application and check his reputation before you wear them.

6. Beware of Scam 

Do not get stuck scam claiming to be from a bank or PayPal and ask for your financial information. Do not be too easy to believe in the scenario of asking for money or offer you a follower in a short time.

7. Protect Your Privacy 

What you post on Twitter will be 'eternal' even if you delete them. So, think carefully before ngetweet. Do not indulgence in bad habits on Twitter, and avoid sharing sensitive information including e-mail address. And if you want a vacation, do not tell where you are on Twitter, except you're done traveling. Twitter is a site that is almost entirely a public space. If you want more private, make sure the feature 'protect' you are in active state.

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