7 Most Polluted Cities In the World

1. Milan (Italy)
Milan paradise quality shoes and fashion mecca of the world. has a small particle pollution can cause cancer and respiratory disorders, Milan has a particle is much more than other cities in Europe. According to research by the Italian environmental agency, Legambiente, Milan has more smog than other cities in Europe and in the islands they also ranked second in ozone levels. Most of the problem comes from the love of the city will be driving. But that will soon change quickly.

2. Norilsk (Russia)
According to a study by the Environmental Think Tank The Blacksmith Institute about the most polluted places in the world, Norilsk, Russia, the largest steel foundries in the world with a population of 134 thousand inhabitants. Removing a lot of metal particles such as nickel and cobalt into the air. To cause acute respiratory and throat diseases in children.

3. Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania)
Pittsburgh is currently listed as the most polluted city in Los Angeles, USA. there are many particles poliso like soot, and aerosols. But the city has a population of 335,000 who have moved from the industrial city into one of the city habitable, not to blame due to the bad air, according to one study, most of the pollution of the city is derived from energy generation plants in Ohio

4. Mexico City (Mexico)
Mexico City is a natural pollution trap, surrounded by mountains in three directions and is located 7400 feet above sea level. Sources of pollution of this city comes from the smoke 4 million vehicles trapped in the cloud around the city. To correct this, the city is currently designing a project retrofitting 25 diesel buses with special filters.

5. Dakar (Senegal)
Dakar is the cosmopolitan center in west Africa, but only a stone's throw distance from the city there is an environmental catastrophe, the Baie de Hanne who provide drinking water and household water to 2 million people, contain levels of fecal streptococci over 17x more than the standard set World Health Organization. like a stew of hard steel .. The Blacksmith Institute are working together with the World Bank for an international cleanup effort

6. Sumgayit - Azerbaijan
Sumgayit regarded as his jersey new Soviet Union. The city is a center of chemical production plants and pesticides, currently, still feels the effects of pollution such as contaminated by mercury that flows into the Caspian, the cancer rate in this city rocketed to 275,000 souls. The World Bank declared this town as an area of ​​environmental disaster that will be in the clear ..

7. Linfen (China)
Cities with a population of more than 4 million people that lies at the heart of Shanxi is the center of coal production and is often regarded as the most polluted city in the world, its inhabitants suffered heavy smoke from coal as well as drinking water contaminated by arsenic substances, but Linfen is not the only city in the country with poor environmental conditions. The World Bank estimates that 16 of the 20 cities worst air pollution from industrial areas in China

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