7 State Of The World's Largest Smokers

The latest news I received when I saw the news on television my surprise, it turns out that in fact Indonesia's largest Muslim population in the world, ranks the top five the number of people who smoke. The first sequence is occupied China, India ranked second, third Indonesia, the fourth Russian. It is ironic indeed, considering that most scholars forbid smoking and some memakruhkan. At least we know that smoking is not good for health. Here's a list of the world's largest smoker:

List of 7 World's Largest Country Smoker, namely:

1. China = 390 million smokers, or 29% per inhabitant

2. India = 144 million smokers, or 12.5% ​​per resident

3. Indonesia = 65 million smokers, or 28% per population (~ 225 billion cigarettes per year)

4. Russia = 61 million smokers, or 43% per inhabitant

5. United States = 58 million smokers, or 19% per inhabitant

6. Japan = 49 million smokers, or 38% per inhabitant

7. Brazil = 24 million smokers, or 12.5% ​​per resident

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