7 The Nature Of Satan's Good To Be Imitated

1. Never give up
Satan will never give up as long as his desire to tempt humans has not been achieved. While many people who easily give up and instead of reaching for something to complain often or in an exam from GOD Almighty.

2. Creative
Satan will seek any means and in any case to tempt people to achieve the goal, always creative and full of ideas. While humans want delicious alone, many are lazy. Most of the people always want to get get something in a way that instant, when in an instant way could harm others. The Haram is considered to be a natural thing (Halal)

3. Consistent
Satan was created remained consistent from the start on his work, never complain and despair. While many people who complain about his job, but many other people who are still unemployed and need work.

4. In solidarity with
Neighbor Satan never hurt each other, even always work together to tempt people. As for humans, let alone to care for others, mostly hostile to each other instead, killing and hurting.

5. Genius
Satan was the smartest brains in finding a way for man to be tempted. While many are not creative people, even many who became imitators and plagiarism, will not create new ideas.

6. Selfless
Satan was working 24 hours without expecting any reward. As for humans, not paid will not be done. The materials should not the most important thing in life! We should help each other to fellow human beings.

7. Gregarious and compact

Satan is a creature who always wanted to be friends, friends to many of his friends in hell someday. While many people prefer their own selfish, and selfish. Humans in doing something tends to emphasize his own ability to work with than others.

Satan's evil nature should not be imitated! But it is not sin if we follow the example of the good properties that can be useful for the good of ourselves and others.

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