7 Things That Make Women Want Sex

Usually women desire sex more closed than men. But there are some situations that could provoke such desire. Want to know what?

Melissa LaRicca, a sex expert who launched AskMen, reveal, there are seven situations that could arouse sexual desire of women ..

1. Post-Adu Argument
Argument with a partner will make a woman's emotional turmoil. Sometimes the argument that ended with a cry. It was cool your head, end the argument with a statement of apology, then wipe away the tears. Give your partner a gentle kiss. And you'll both end up in bed.

2. Good Feelings
Just as anger and sadness, feelings of pleasure will also cause a mood to make love women. Romantic or sweet holiday surprises will make your partner happy. Love activities you will be exciting.

3. Stress
Stress also is a condition that can make women's sexual desire. Sex can make them quieter, more relaxed and make the nerves. No wonder many women who want sex when under stress.

4. Jealous
Jealous women make emotional ride. In addition, jealousy also cause insecurity (insecure) in women. To demonstrate its existence, women will show a 'service' they are best in bed at the couple. So that the men knew so valuable partner.

5. Ovulation period
Any time of ovulation, women's sexual desire increases. This is related to the hormonal situation experienced by women.

6. Party

A party can also increase the arousal of women. Formed when a party mood, as well as alcoholic beverages at levels that fit makes women want sex.

7. Adult Movies
Not only men, women also appeared to be increased libido while watching adult movies. No one feels when you and your partner occasionally watch the movie together, to raise the mood to make love.

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