7 Characteristics Typical Male Feminist

If you crave new man, who treats you as a woman with a more just and equal, it means you are longing for a man who uses language in their everyday feminism. Most men are talking and being with the language and the rule of men. As noted French philosopher, Jacques Lacan, our world is full of male rule, which is dominated by ways of thinking and language of men. Well, whether spouse, friend, brother you're talking to a new language, the language of feminist? The man who had the guts to balance the world (from world domination and the rule of men) with a new language and figure this year. You can recognize the behavior. Here are 7 Typical Male Feminist characteristics, namely:

1. Having a Sense of Caring
Feminist language, trained men to care for its immediate environment, such as family, and then spread to the broader level of society. With this concern, a man sensitive to the hearts and feelings of others. As a result, men can become a good listener and observer in any field.

2. Tolerant
Tolerance becomes a powerful weapon to fight against aggression, conflict, and fundamentalist attitudes. Men who develop tolerance means sure of pluralism. Is not the individual who believes in and appreciates pluralism become more tolerant? With a high tolerance, conflict adverse paired one party will inevitably, the relationship is more equal in pairs and provide justice both in men and especially women.

3. Cultured
Men who are interested in art, literature, music, and theater has a cultural approach in itself. Meanwhile, one source is cultural pluralism. Can you imagine, how a cultured man is undergoing daily, with a high tolerance for pluralism stems from his conviction and sourced from the culture. Positive values ​​that will appear in a cultured man is a cultural construct, not destructive. Cultured men will certainly support a spouse or women around him, and not destroy or commit violence against the opposite sex.

4. Liberate
In interpersonal relationships, male feminist aura of freedom and indulgence instead of chest tightness. Built relationships with every individual is democratic and participatory. That is, he tried to participate in every thought and action of his partner. This attitude frees a positive effect on self his partner to expand, rather than leaving a sense of guilt, fear, and denial.

5. Using Positive Language
Male feminists use language that is empowering. That is language that avoids derogatory vocabulary gauze. This man uses language as a forum for mutual communication and understanding yourself enjoying conversations respectively. The language used is not to set a strategy to trap each other.

6. Understanding the Domestic Division of Labour
Male feminists will always care about the domestic burden. He understands and cares about the domestic workload. Domestic work arrangements made with equality. That is, the male feminist is not ashamed to wash clothes, cook, and clean the house. Make tea or coffee for her partner does not make him feel less macho. Replacing the baby diapers and child care is an obligation that executable with happiness.

7. Care for Reproductive Rights
The girl wrote one contributing high maternal mortality rate was not their understanding of the importance of male reproductive rights of women. Male involvement in pregnancy women and konstrasepsi very important. Male feminists want to learn about the ins and outs of female reproduction because she cares about her partner's life.

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