7 Ways to Walk That Reflects Women Characters

Each movement represents a woman while walking keperibadiannya. Here are 7 Ways That Reflects the Character Walk for Women, namely:

1. When walking, the back looks like not trample the soil. Group of women whose way berginjat, said this woman is a woman who is not honest, when lying, his mouth laser and offend others. Women who walk as it is also famous for his ego attitude. Worse, these women usually prefer membazir wasters or money without thinking before shopping. In fact, the money was still a lot of usefulness. But do not be discouraged, kerana woman like this is usually a male idol.

2. When walking, often turned to the right and left. Women like this are usually good at keeping secrets. Although the vibrant woman who thinks like this is not honest, deceiving your own friends, and harm his friend, however, byk man who tried to conquer his heart. It is said that women like this fun set.

3. When walking like down. How to walk symbolizes a woman like this has the properties that are closed. He will only talk to people close to him and wobbler to keep his secret. Women like this are usually difficult to conquered his heart. Besides her coldness, like this woman does not care about your love life. However, if there is a charming man who succeeded him, is guaranteed to get happiness. Therefore, women of this type are very loyal, and he will not betray the man she loved.

4. When you walk looking straight ahead. Women like this usually have a firm stance. Do not even oppose what she had said, if you do not want to hear him talk at length. Although its founding firm, but always disagree. Do not be surprised if a lady like this just want to talk with people who are knowledgeable.

5. When the body appears to walk upright. This woman firmly define his own attitude. He did not want other people interfered with his personal affairs. He spoke seriously, shows he has a firm stance. What's interesting about this woman, he was responsible jawap of what he had done. He delights in men who independently without leaving a romantic nature.

6. When you walk grinning, smiling for no apparent reason. This woman's crazy, a little less sane jgn approachable.

7. When walking while singing trus take kecrekan. Means he TRANSVESTITE, not the original woman. Many men are afraid of him.

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