7 Type Hard Love Forgotten

Love? What is the story of the love you have for this, one or two? Ah not the number that matters, but the memories and stories that are stored behind the love. So love the how that is beautiful to be remembered? Here are 7 type of Forgotten Love Hard, namely:

1. First Love
First love is the experience that you must have. In general, this love is also sometimes called puppy love, because at the age of puberty, teenagers always had an affinity with the opposite sex. Unimaginable thrill when you are still shy with your partner. Hope and desire that always comes up and the flowers always adorn your head. They say the world seems to belong to both. Sweet and unforgettable, this is the memories that will always be stored in the box your heart's sweet.

2. Love On The Bad Boy

His reputation dating women had no question. Obviously who is not attracted the looks and all the sweet words. Just by a glance of the eye and a smile just any woman to her knees. You rate it is a warning, better stay away from that type of guy like this and looking fine. Ooo you miss the exciting experience! The bad boy provides a fun experience for you, the challenge because he is one person who has always coveted every woman, and you could have it. At least you can sense and record the memory as he runs rayuannya moves. And when the right man comes, you feel even more fortunate apart from the tiger enclosure and rescued a man riding a white and kind.

3. Establish Relations With Bronis
Bronis, the sweet popcorn, wow that looks cute and the action that always spoiled create annoyance. Nature is sometimes childish and certainly a very big ego. But the fun way with the him, his impression was always young. Well just do not choose too young bronis the course, so not too much to eat liver. Just enjoy the days with them, because a lot of fun things that will make you feel love is beautiful.

4. LDR (Long Distance Relationship)
Why long-distance relationship is an interesting experience and romantic love? On the one hand was the distance that separates can cause many problems and fights. But see also the sweet side, as both miss and there are only some special time just to meet. Can imagine what a longing that had accumulated during the remote will explode when meeting each other. And an atmosphere that can only be formed when the meeting via telephone, SMS or IM (instant messages). Your feelings will be made to play, up and down emotionally. And this is very interesting for those who need a new sense of touch. The surplus, each pair continue to feel free and comfortable without the burden of commitment. And the sensations will certainly be an interesting challenge for each pair.

5. Cast
Breakup or broken heart can make people feel like do not want to live anymore. But this is one exciting experience that you should have. Maybe the world will end when it seemed the he said the word break. But see the other side, you will not feel complete when there was never a sense of disappointment that you've ever experienced. So when you get someone who really loves you, your relationship will taste more sweet and beautiful.

6. Fall In Love At Friend
Often times you tend to refuse to engage in love affairs with their own friends. Many reasons arise, either because it did not want to not be friends anymore if it broke up later, or not comfortable anymore. Actually, more benefits to be gained from a relationship like this. Why? because both know each other and no longer need to limit yourself. In general, you always highlight the positive impressions in order to attract someone's attention. However, unlike your friend because they know very well the nature of you, without a word they already understand everything. Suppose you have a bad habit, with a stranger you'll be ashamed to show it, but with friends they certainly will be easier to understand and accept you. The relationship will be more fun is not it?

7. Romantic Vacation Together
The work often makes each pair busy, so there's not much time for both. Try to do some crazy things, such as a romantic vacation apartment in the middle of dense schedules. Suppose like couples who are being blurred. Then set up a romantic vacation, whether at the beach or the mountains, with a romantic dinner that will not be forgotten. You can enjoy the beautiful nature, and do not forget to turn off all means of communication so that you feel really alone.

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