7 Secrets of The Genius In the World

If you think an innate genius has an IQ well above average, you are wrong. they only managed to use his brain more than the ability of ordinary people. Virtually all people can develop their thinking skills such as the brain, and it only takes WILL WORK HARD. Bill Gates, the Microsoft company owner who is also the first among the geniuses say that 99% who created the genius is HARD WORK. Genius here is not someone who has an IQ well above average, but the genius here is the Expert or experts in their fields. For those of genius, there are only 3 keys to their genius, we too can become part of them, with the keys and HARD WORK WILL. Once you know things about the genius and knows how to raise it, now is the time to know what things that could help to evoke "the genius" in you. Here's 7 Secrets of The Genius In the World, namely:

1. The Enough Sleep
You know why even sleep, instead of training the mind should be kept up? Apparently not. Sleep after learning actually increase the brain's ability to remember. When falling asleep, our brains actually work hard to sort through important information for us, so the ability to strengthen our memory. But this applies only to sleep more than 6 hours. That's why the system of learning credits (overnight racing system) is not recommended because it only weakens the ability of our thinking and memory skills. So, langsunglah sleep at least 6 hours after study at night. That way, your learning will give maximum results. To become expert, staying up is taboo.

2. Physical Exercise
Plenty of physical activity: roads, sports games, gymnastics, or whatever. Doing a lot of physical activity proven to improve brain thinking ability.

3. The Self And Nutritious Eating
Eating less will make you do not have the energy to think smart, eat well but too much will make your brain become less intelligent. Eat in moderation and selective. Avoid too much to eat-foods of animal fat. Plenty of eating a type of fat called omega-3, contained in fish, nuts, or seeds. Many-many also eat fruits and vegetables. The expert always never lack or excess in the matter of eating.

4. Listening to Music
Listening to music is suppose to enhance the ability of the brain in thinking, but not directly. Known to listen to music can make the body feel relaxed, less negative feelings, and reduce fear. Well, the things that automatically enables us to focus more on thinking. But note that not all people succeed with the help of music. Some people just can not think of while listening to music. So, find your own way!

5. Do not Forget to Play
Continuous learning intensively without breaks and without pause is not a wise behavior. Playing is fun. In addition to relieving stress, play also makes us think the brain's ability to become more brilliant. So, a time to play. Just so you know, an Albert Einstein and Bill Gates have always reserve time each day to play. Conversely, do not also just playing around all the time. Just play will not make you an expert.

6. Meditation
Meditation helps the brain work routine. The simplest way is to practice breathing sederhan. First, create the position of the body in a state as comfortable as possible. Then inhale through the nostrils and inhaled deeply, then release slowly from the pit mouth. Do it repeatedly, until the body feels fresh. Want to help a simple way of relaxing?

7. If You Can Believe In
"Despite trying very hard but you fail as well. Then you conclude if you are not capable enough." Well, even if you think so, psychologists have claimed otherwise. Such failure is often not because of lack of ability, but because of self-confidence is lacking. Most of us are stuck in the stereotype that only certain people who can succeed. As a result, our brains also react to adjust to that trust. And so, we did not achieve our best performance because basically we do not really believe it will succeed. So, you can trust 100%, then your brain will help you.

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