7 Common Mistakes Do New Married Couple

There are things that can not be avoided in touch. These things can damage relationships and disrupt your love story. However, there are things that can be learned from others' experiences and rectified the relationship before you make your new marriage foundered in the middle of the road. Here are 7 things you can learn are:

1. Not face the problem of debt
Apparently, according to data from thenest.com, financial problems are the most important issues in question by the couple. If you are married, there is a good idea to remove and express all your perhutangan problems, yet he is your partner, there's nothing to be covered up, but need to be faced together. Then, try counting your finances and plan for the future. If necessary, find an expert financial planner.

2. Alienate themselves from the friendship
My friends are the key to the success of the marriage. So, do not alienate yourself from them. If your friends who are single get together, make sure everything is in a state safe at home, then come along to go along with them, of course with the permission of her husband. Just because you do not join in. flirting with him at the club, does not mean you can not be a supportive friend, right?

3. Not enough sex
As many as 60 percent of newly married couples surveyed said that their sex life a mess. Ever reason, busy, of course. But that's not reason enough for making love in bed with your partner, right? Try to initiate sex with a partner event. In fact, if necessary, create a schedule. If you start to get used to do it, you'll want more, there might be more like it, too.

4. Not keeping the body
Have you ever noticed, usually people who had just married will look more "prosperous" in terms of weight? Yes, for some reason, this always happens. Perhaps because of the habit of drinking or eating at night or because of fatigue, exhaustion busy at night, so in the morning so much passion for breakfast in large quantities. Wow, this must be wary. We recommend that you begin to multiply together the agenda for a workout partner. Do not want to, right, that he feels you do not look fresh or look more plump than before marriage?

5. In-law and brother in law
Fifty percent of couples surveyed by thenest.com have problems with their in-laws and brother in law. Try to set expectations, as you will come to visit with the couple at least once a week to see him. Do not even tempted to reveal something unpleasant about the family members of the he, in the end, it will come back to haunt you.

6. The quarrel is not important
You know, sometimes living under the same roof with the person even though you think you already know, it could be very confusing. Try not easily provoked to anger. But if indeed the emotion of anger has peaked, say excuse me, say that you need time for yourself first. Calm yourself for a moment. Make sure you are in a state of calm and cool head when trying to solve problems. When emotions, your mind is not calm and could have said things that did not mean that you could actually exacerbate the problem.

7. Obsessed with baby
Of course, like to have a baby is the next big step in life after marriage. However, calm down, do not rush and be obsessed to have it immediately. On average, couples have a baby within 3 years of their marriage. So, why the hurry? Enjoy your time with your partner, vacation together, enjoy the time with no need to bother thinking about the hassles of the need babies, and others. After all, when you are relaxed, the possibility for the presence of a baby even greater.

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