7 Factors That Make People Deaf

The ear is important for the body's senses and survival. However, people unconsciously engage in activities that could harm their hearing senses. What are the factors that can make people budek?

1. Ear Bud or Ear Phone On Music Players (Music Player)
Ear bud makes the sound became louder, so for a long time can be deafening. In addition, the ear bud is also making changes in the auditory system. When people used to listen to the sound of the ear bud that is close and hard, then most likely it was hard to hear sounds at normal levels or soft.

2. Cars Open (Openkap)
Driving openkap make people should hear the sound with level 88-90 Decibel (Db). For comparison, normal conversation is 50 db range, road traffic about 70 Db, lawn mower about 90 Db. Repeated exposure of noise above 85 db is known to cause permanent hearing loss.

3. Drugs Drugs
One of the lesser known side effect of some drugs, such as pain medications, certain antibiotics and platinum-based chemotherapy drug, is a hearing loss.

4. Cigarette
The blood vessels serving the cochlea, the organ of the inner ear. Nicotine, a vasoconstrictor that causes blood vessels to shrink slightly, can have a tremendous impact on the tiny capillaries that serve the ear.

5. Job
Fields of work such as musicians, factory workers, construction workers and firefighters are some people who are at high risk for exposure to loud noise is constant.

6. Diabetes
Diabetes can cause decreased blood flow to the ear. Narrow or abnormal blood vessels due to diabetes can prevent the blood reaches the cochlea, also can prevent the process of cleansing toxins. It has the potential to damage the delicate cells in the ear.

7. Sickle Cell Anemia
People with sickle cell anemia often experience fatigue and pain due to red blood cells are crescent-shaped defects that are not round. Whereas the normal blood flow is important to reach the ear.

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