7 Weird Facts Regarding Semen Men

In a health perspective, the semen is seen as a biological substance released by the male to fertilize the eggs of women through the process of sperm-egg union. But there are some weird facts about semen that has not been known. What?

By definition, semen or seminal fluid is an organic fluid, also known as seminal fluid, which usually contains spermatozoa. Physiologically, the semen is secreted by the gonads (sexual glands) and other sexual organs of male or hermaphroditic animals to fertilize the female egg cell.

Medical technology always pay attention in defining, monitoring and improving the quality of semen. And some studies have found 7 weird facts that occurred on the semen ..

Reporting from Healthmad, here are some strange facts about semen:

1. Semen can cause allergies
Though rare, but there are some women who are allergic to semen. Medically this condition is called human seminal plasma hypersensitivity (seminal plasma hypersensitivity). Symptoms depend on the condition of the body and the amount of sperm that enter the body. The most common symptoms such as itching, redness, blisters, even occasionally cause difficulty breathing.

2. Semen believed to be a source of potential energy
From the perspective of social culture, semen has been associated with a potential energy source in the theory of Chinese medicine and Chi Kung. According to Chi Kung theory, energy is transferred from the body and transferred to the sexual organs during sexual arousal. This theory suggests that after removing the semen, a certain energy of the human body is also being released. This explains why people feel weak after the release of sperm.

3. Magical than the use of semen
From the Strickland-Bosavi, Papua New Guinea, eToro tribe argued that semen provides sexual maturity among young tribe. In past practice, the youth of the tribe had to drink the semen of tribal elders to reach sexual maturity.

4. Semen taste depending on the food you eat man
Taste of semen varies depending on the food consumed, hygiene and other external factors. According to Bodansky in his book To Bed or Not to Bed (2005), some women like the taste of semen but the others are not. For example, caffeine and red meat makes semen taste sour or bitter.

5. Semen as an anti-depressive women
It is not too surprising, because semen contains several mood-altering hormones, like testosterone, estrogen, follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin and several different prostaglandins. Some women have been detected in the blood an hour after exposure to semen.

6. Semen is a nutrient
Johnson and Everitt results in his book Essential Reproduction (2000) revealed that semen contains a high nutrient content. In a typical ejaculation (approximately one teaspoon), semen already contains 150 mg of protein, carbohydrate 11 mg, 6 mg fat, 3 mg cholesterol, 7 percent of U.S. RDA potassium, copper and zinc.

7. Semen will never run out

It is quite justified, because according to experts men only need a minimum of 15 minutes to increase the amount of semen after ejaculation.

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