7 Headline Newspapers The Witness Becoming History

1. New York Times: "Titanic Sinks after 4 hours hit the iceberg" 16 April 1912
This is one of the few accurate headlines after the sinking of the Titanic. Journalists in several other papers were still in denial that the Titanic did not sink: The Daily Mirror reported, "Everyone is safe", and the Daily Mail, "No one is missing".

2. Daily Mail: "Keanjlokan Largest in History on Wall Street" October 25, 1929
Wall Street, 1929, consideration of the uncertainty triggered by the government resulted in the stock price plummeted, this was the worst in U.S. history. On 24 October, more than 12.9 million shares traded by investors who are panicking.

3. The News Chronicle: "Hitler Dead" May 2, 1945
On May 2, 1945, The News Chronicle, which later became the Daily Mail, issued a bold headline. At that time, nobody could be sure if this news is true. . The accompanying article claimed that Hitler had been killed in action, although it later transpired he had committed suicide in an underground bunker in Berlin Chancery.

4. Daily Mail: "World War II Has Ended" May 8, 1945
This headline appeared on the day World War II, which states that the Nazi / German surrender. This marked the end of World War II and Adolf Hitler's Reich

5. Chicago Tribune: "Killer Kills Kennedy" 22 November 1963
John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Five years later, his brother Robert Kennedy was shot dead in Los Angeles Hotel.

6. Daily News: "Martin King Shot to Death: shot dead in Memphis" 5 April 1968
This shocking news is printed after the Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed on the second floor lobby of the Lorraine Motel, Memphis, Tennessee. He's 39-year-old

7. Evening Standard: "The First Footstep" The first footprints July 21, 1969
Neil Armstrong became the first person who stepped on the moon. When he touched the ground, he declared: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

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