7 It Makes Sense Scenes In Hollywood Movies

A film was made with the intention of providing a visual representation of ideas and creativity to think of the manufacturer. Scenes in the film are such that they were able to describe such creative ideas and impressions as well as a hidden message behind every scene will be able to be translated back in terms of audience. Complicated? Ignore it.

The following are scenes in several films made by Hollywood filmmakers who made too much, so it does not make sense. Also in real life it is almost never happen, but the scene it describes everyday events.

1. Drinking Drugs - Shaped Tablets Or Capsules - The Number of Lots And Taken With Alcohol or Carbonated Drinks
This scene does not make sense but can also be dangerous if imitated by the spectators who do not understand that the scene is a lie. How could a man who described many thoughts, stress or headaches, a sudden opening bottles and pouring almost half the contents of the bottle into the palm of his hand. Then take a can of beer or a bottle of wiskey, grains include existing drugs in the palm of his hand was in his mouth-all-and then swallow it with the help of booze!

Once saktikah them?

2. Vomiting With Insert Head in the toilet is not in sink hole
This scene is one disgusting scene I have ever seen in western movies. Someone who feels like throwing up, probably because of liquor, directly enter into the half of his head and throw up your toilet seat there. Though only one meter away from the sink where she stood there.

I am sure only a few Americans who do just that. But this scene every so often present in Hollywood films.

3. Ripping Money 100 Dollar
The scene ripped 100 dollar money and give it a half as a means of payment is a very unreasonable, because the money will not sell. It can be exchanged at the central bank as the money that is damaged, with broken ¾ provisions will not apply. But this scene does start rarely seen in American films lately.

4. With a lit cigarette lighter Shoes
The scene lit cigarette lighter or a matchstick to the shoe or belt is the era of American movie western or cowboy films. Now there are still some, but with menggeretnya into door frames, windows or walls.

If the state of things very hot place to swipe this might happen, but basically if it does not meet the sulfur material, the head of a match will not light.

5. Pursue Pursuing Between Cars With People Who Run
Until now many Hollywood movies that show scenes of people running chased by people driving cars at high speed or high-speed visible. Surprisingly people who ran it is not overtaken by people who boarded the car, until he escaped.

6. In the Baggage Car Besembunyi in Closed Meeting
The scene hiding in the trunk of a car with a sedan that there is no alley penetrate into the interior of the car is an impossible scene. Especially in the outside air is very hot conditions, because almost certainly people who were hiding in the trunk of a sealed car, a little air in it will pinsan or suffocation.

This scene in a few films improved with the way people are jammed into the trunk of the trunk door with something that is not sealed.

7. Opening the Door Lock it with a wire

In the action film in which a police officer or detective opened the room or the house of a suspect by using a small wire sebilah. Even stranger is to open handcuffs with just using paper clips. This bizarre technique has been checked to members of the police and key craftsman is an impossibility.

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