7 Characteristics Common People Stay Up

1. Even the likes overslept Until Afternoon
This is because the habit of not sleeping all night that made ​​night day, night and made ​​lunch.

2. Working more Spirit Arrives At Night
Yes, here the people who are used to staying up would feel very passionate about doing something at night, whether it's for work or other things.

3. Eat When Hunger Come
The average person who like to stay up sometimes forget to eat the same name, they tend to be cool with their respective activities. in the stomach when they are hungry they eat the new, clearly this is not good for health.

4. So Eating Disorders
Ideally, one way to a healthy lifestyle is to eat regularly on time. Most of those who like staying up neglecting this rule so often exposed to various diseases such as anemia, ulcers, etc..

5. When At Home Computer Males Ngapa-doing-If Not important Very Important
if that is relative, because many of those who like staying up late because keasikan in front of the computer such as playing games, browsing, etc..

6. True Friends Coffee + Cigarettes (Not All Like)
It seems this has become a liability and a habit for those who like staying up late, because especially coffee can reduce drowsiness, so do not be weird if they see people who like to stay up must be very fond of the same name coffee and cigarettes.

7. Many Ideas By Males, So Can say it should be fished
Due to the lack of intensity of sleep at night is draining their energy and thoughts that tend to 'less active' in everyday life

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