7 People Who Feature Easy Mosquito Bitten

Certain people bitten by mosquitoes sometimes more often than others, this of course makes people curious. The following are the characteristics of people who are more favored mosquito.

Summer is identical to the number of insects, especially mosquitoes, and the only female mosquitoes that bite just because he needs the amino acids from the blood that is useful for her eggs.

Amino acids required by the mosquito is called isoleucine. If a female mosquito can get the right amount of isoleucine, then he can store up to 100 eggs. But if not, maybe he could only hold 10 eggs.

When mosquitoes pierce the skin then it will issue its saliva that contain certain chemicals so that blood does not clot and he can suck as much blood as possible. And itchy red bumps that appear on the skin is the body's reaction to mosquito saliva.

People prone to mosquito bites during the morning or dawn (at sunrise) and evening (at sunset) as winged insects that are most often looking for food in times of proficiency level.

Overall mosquitoes bite humans and other creatures to maintain the continuity of the species. Here are 7 Characteristics People Who Easily bitten mosquitoes, namely:

1. Have High Cholesterol And Steroids
People who have high levels of cholesterol and steroid in the skin tend to be more frequently bitten by mosquitoes. Generally, mosquitoes will follow those who produce large amounts of cholesterol in the skin.

2. People With High Levels of Uric Acid
The smell is so strong of uric acid will make it possible for mosquito to follow the direction of the smell and bite.
3. People Who Many Removing Carbon Dioxide.
Mosquitoes will be very interested in the carbon dioxide released by the body, so people with high levels of carbon dioxide tend to be more frequently bitten by mosquitoes.

4. Expectant Mother
Generally breath issued by pregnant women contain higher levels of carbon dioxide so that a greater chance for mosquito bites.

5. People With Blood Type Specific
Different types of blood group will issue a different smell anyway so there is an interesting and not too attractive to mosquitoes. For example, blood type O has the highest smells in the body fluids that are easier for mosquitoes to detect.

6. People With Soft Skin
People with delicate skin will allow mosquitoes to penetrate into the meat. Afterwards he will have the convenience tersendrii in sucking blood.

7. People Who Removing Body Heat
Mosquitoes love the heat so if a person feels or removing heat from his body would be an opportunity for mosquitoes to bite.

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