7 Deadly Diseases That Spread Between Species

Bacteria and viruses are very simple creatures multiply and the disease it causes extremely contagious. Currently a number of infectious and deadly diseases have been transferred from animals to humans and from humans to animals. What are the deadly disease?

Cross-species infection can originate from farms or markets, which creates conditions of mixing of pathogens. Which gives an opportunity to exchange genes of pathogenic and equipment up to kill previously foreign hosts.

Transmission can also occur from activities that seem trivial and harmless, like letting a monkey riding on top of your head, a lot happens on the streets of Bali.

Microbes of two varieties can even gather in your intestines, the virus evolved and make some 'dancing' to turn you into a host of infectious and lethal.

Infectious diseases from animals to humans are called zoonoses. There are more than three dozen diseases that are transmitted through touch or from the bite.

As reported by LiveScience, the following 7 Deadly Diseases Transmitted Between the Species, namely:

1. Pandemic Influenza
Deadly flu pandemic like the Spanish flu, swine flu or bird flu has been attacked in several countries. The potential pandemic is very easily transmitted by direct contact, so it can be very dangerous.

Between 1918 and 1919, the Spanish flu killed 20 to 40 million people. This is truly a global disaster. This deadly flu attacked people ages 20 to 40 years, and infect 28 percent of Americans.

And lately also emerging swine flu and bird flu which has become epidemic in some countries. Now, the government is more prepared, scientifically and logistics to manage the outbreak. However, there is no vaccine against swine flu.

2. Plague
Bubonic plague is better known as the 'Black Death', is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia absolutely a, most often carried by rodents and fleas. In medieval times, millions of people across Europe died from plague caused by rat fleas that is widely available in homes and offices.

3. Disease Due to Bite
Zoonotic diseases are estimated to be caused by the bite of an animal that kills hundreds of thousands of people every year. Mosquitoes are the main cause, such as dengue and malaria.

In addition, there are outbreaks of disease caused by insect bites, rabies due to dog bites and other wild animals.

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, originated from chimps and other primates and the first human infection is estimated at least a century ago. This virus damages the immune system, opening the door to a host of deadly infections or cancer.

5. The parasite is spread Cat In The Brain of Man
Strange parasite Toxoplasma gondii infects the brains of more than half the human population, including about 50 million Americans. Estimated to increase the risk of neuroticism and could lead to schizophrenia. The main cause is a house cat, which is the sexual reproduction of microbes. This usually comes from cat feces.

6. Cat Giving Human Stomach Bacteria Cause Ulcers
Cats have been transmitted bacterium that causes peptic ulcers, Helicobacter pylori, from our ancestors thousands of years ago. And according to scientists, this disease is now spreading to other animals such as lions, zebras, and tigers.

7. Ebola
Ebola is a widespread threat to gorillas and chimpanzees in Central Africa, and may have spread to humans from people who eat infected animals.

Now transmitted from human to human, through contact with blood or body fluids of an infected person, and has killed several hundred people in every few outbreaks in the mid-1970s.

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