7 Strangest Death Ever Happened

1. Died Because Intend Reaching the Shadow of the Moon on Water
Chinese poet Li Po (VII-VIII centuries AD) is a renowned poet who likes to get drunk. One time he was drunk when boat ride across the river Yangtze. He saw the shadow of the moon on the water. Because drunk, he tried to reach out to hug her shadow, but failed. As a result he fell into the water and drowned.

2. Died Because Beard
The Austrian Hans Steininger was famous for the longest beard in the world. Length is about 140 cm. On one day in the year 1567, a fire that requires everyone to run. He forgot to tie a long beard. In her haste, he stepped on himself and fell off his beard. Her neck was broken and he was killed instantly.

3. Died Because Holding Urination
Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) was an astronomer. In 1601, he was attending a dinner of a very long time, in Prague (now Czech). Customary in those days believed that the blur in the middle of dinner, including for waste water, is very rude. As a result he was forced to hold pee during the banquet. Bladder extends to the threshold, and there was an infection (cystitis) is fatal. He died 11 days later.

4. Died Because of the Staff Conductor
Jean Baptiste Lully is a conductor who led the orchestra in celebration of Louis XIV's recovery from his illness in 1687. Because too excited, he just dropped the baton of conductors on her toes. Occurs abscess (infection with pus) and followed by gangrene (decay). Lully refused amputation, and he finally died of an infection that spreads throughout the body.

5. Because the tongue is bitten dies
Allan Pinkerton (1819-1884) was a famous detective agency Pinkerton detective agency with her. One day he was walking on the sidewalk. He slipped. Not accidentally bitten his tongue, and there was an infection which later killed him.

6. Died Because Peti Kicking
Similar to Lully, but this occurred in the early 20th century at the Jack Daniel's, a famous businessman from Tennessee whiskey, the United States. On one morning he wanted to open a crate, but he forgot the combination. He rages and kicked the crate. One finger was injured, inflamed (infection), and finally killed him.

7. Deaths Due to Skin Orange
Bobby Leach (1858-1926) was a stunter. He is also the second person in the world to successfully conquer Niagara Falls with his barrels. He died in 1926, two months after her leg amputated. Why? Apparently he slipped due to stepping on orange peel on the street, in New Zealand. Broken legs and severe infection. Time there were no antibiotics.

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