7 Ethics Using Twitter

We certainly remember what happened to Luna Maya with emotion because twittering on Twitter. Then see how the security forces of United States President, Barack Obama, conduct inquiries against people who send death threats via a message on Twitter.

And which has recently happened on Twitter, musician Armand Maulana insulting one of the supporters of football clubs, and the problem so long tails though Armand already apologized. Until the time of this writing, Armand behind the hold accountable anyone who throws tweet rude to her.

Of course there are many other examples that can illustrate how the text of 120 characters on Twitter can affect a person's life. Adverse events such as the above could have been avoided, if we heed her ethical Twitter. What are the things that need to be heeded in the use of Twitter? Listen to 7 Ethics Using Twitter below:

1. Think of Twitter As A Event Reception
Imagine you are attending a wedding reception, where you will meet many people who are not all you know. Conversation can be carried in an atmosphere like that is a nature informative, entertaining, and fun. Do not talk loudly, for something that is not worth listening to many people.

Remember that if you write your name in the search engine Google, it is not possible all the speeches you on Twitter will be tracked. Imagine if it was read by the mother or the companies that will hire you. In essence, you must keep your greeting.

2. Interact and Sharing Important Information
Twitter is an interactive social media, so conversing with others is very important. Diligent to comment on the information conveyed to others, and re-tweet something interesting. Do not just announce what you eat today, but to convey information (if necessary accompanied by a link) about something you enjoy. Expand your friends because it will expand the network of friends.

3. Note the frequency
Could be you are one of the many businesses that use Twitter to support the activities of the business, but if you do promotions for example once every 2 minutes, so you can actually lose the follower (follower). Insert information about a product, among the tweet-tweet informative that you created.

4. Balance professionalism with Personality
You certainly want to prove to his followers that you are the person who can be trusted and reliable source of information. For that, you have to show the impression that you are approachable and friendly, but still professional. Give praise when appropriate, and do not hesitate to convey congratulations and gratitude.

5. Follow (Follow) People Interesting People
Follow the people who we think is important, who cultivate the same field with us or other fields that we are interested. Follow also some people that they follow. Do not feel obliged to follow people who follow us, you should look at his profile first.

6. Speak Only The Important Important
Twitter only allows us to write in 140 characters only, then from it to convey something to the point, but still interesting. Use a URL when the bypass include a link. Do not just talk about yourself, and do not spit it personal.

7. Avoid Automation Service
Update Twitter and gratitude conveyed automatically be considered intrusive, could even be considered spam. People can judge it as a lack of touch / direct efforts of the sender, and are not interested in the interaction. This can be bad in a relationship.

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