7 Tricks Making Same Girl Crazy Guys

The guy was destined more aggressive than girls. That's why boys eventually become the party more chasing than being chased. But now, not a little girl who "crazy" to the guy and trying to catch up. This is clearly visible, not just the story of the movies, soap operas or novels. But also in real life. How can it happen to you?

Following this, there are 7 powerful trick which is believed to make the girls' crazy about "the same guy that is based from various sources:

1. Honest and Gentle
Actually, not a difficult case to make her 'come' ye. Of course, just so you know how. So, once you feel meets a girl who seseuai with what's idealized, then show that you are an honest man, polite, charming all at once. Also indicate if you tuh very excited to listen to the story. If you could look like that, we can be sure the girls would want stuck on.

2. Never Too Much Assessing
Ya this habit of many many guys (girls too anyway). Yet everyone knows, nothing is perfect or bobody's perfect. Well, if assessed values ​​continue, women will also be annoyed. Especially when compared to that other girl, she might even stay away from you.

3. Do not Tie
You may just like it, well hope she will like you, of course. But not then you have to restrain or tie. Give her some space. That is not its frequency of thrust themselves around him. Let him guess where you are, is doing what and at whom. Just so you know, your absence, it can actually grow a longing in him.

4. Willing
When he told me something, show the impression that you are interested and enthusiastic listen to the story. Show also that you are willing to listen to complaints and the outpouring of his heart. Either ordinary story or family problems, jobs, hobbies, until his dreams. Do not forget to respond to his stories with brilliant opinions, without sounding patronizing.

5. Many Smiles
It's no secret that the smile is one powerful weapon for TP (Tebar charm). Experts said, a smile is a reflection of a person who had a positive thought. Well, if you really love to smile, then transmitted it to the girl habits assessed. The trick? Dong make her smile through joke-joke which you catapult. But remember, do not be selfish, dong. Do not just him who makes you smile, but it would be better if you can make friends and even family if necessary, to smile, too. Believe me, he's definitely more fascinated with you. Moreover, surveys show that 9 out of 10 women prefer girls who have a sense of humor.

6. So Best
Being the best, not necessarily do everything that you could not actually acted. Do not force yourself, be the best you can be alone. Not hard. You know what rage dong girls? By performing a clean, fragrant, fresh breath, and not too messy, the girl must have a lot of glances.

7. Do not Pursue Oldest
Try to resist the urge to launch a first action, like calling constantly-in-dozen times a day, send SMS or e-mail that it was full of bullshit. Conversely, how to do that you rarely call or SMS, but he remained fascinated.

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