7 Ways To Sex In The Car

This time we will discuss the problem of how to keep each pair did not experience boredom or burnout in sex, and very human if we're really bored with it-it's the couple who wrote, bored with the style of so-so who wrote, I'm bored with so-so neighborhood who wrote ... just bored

if indeed you are bored (if not already bored yes .. heheh) you ever try sex with your partner in the car, his car was at rest or walk? .... it's up to clear the road when my car while certainly more exciting and more thrilling, but the risk is too bad you have to be careful .. if not can-can "Through"!

continues its position or how lovemaking style, narrow right car? yes choose a car that is rather large, for example a bus or truck trailer hehehe, not really not kidding, do not worry, here are a few who you can imitate the style if you like making love in a car, any car (exceptions: Bemo!), good luck!

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